Monday, August 25, 2008

fruits of ministry in Nepal 17 August 2008

First of all, let me express my heartfelt thanks to you for your constant prayers for us. We indeed have been undergoing a heart aching chaos in the land, because of unstable political situation. After a four month long debate, division and discord among the parties after the Constituent Assembly Election held on the 10th of April, Nepal has now the First Republican Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal, 'Prachanda', the president of the Maoists, former rebellions. We are sure things now on would be more challenging in the nation. Above all, the Lord is in control and He reigns, that is what we believe. At the moment, the east Nepal is under a strike for the last seven days and the public life there is chaotic and people run out of stuff for daily needs. This is just an example.

" I know that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor any thing taken from it, God has done this so that all should stand in awe before Him" (Ecclesiastes 3:14)

I received a very encouraging news from Pastor Lautan Chaudhary from Kanchanpur district, the west bordering district of Nepal that he could baptize 17 illiterate believers yesterday, all of them are the fruits of his labor in the field. This news came in while I am typing this email to you. Another call came from pastor Kesav Tamrakar from Dadeldhura district that he could bring two persons to the church last week through the story telling. Last week, I received a phone call from pastor Lil Bahadur Ghartimagar saying that 13 new believers were baptized and a new church has been planted in Dang district of the Midwest Nepal and has requested me to pray especially for the need of a small fellowship center for the new congregation there, The local believers will give some sweat labor and collect bamboos and some wood from the jungle to construct a typical village style church building and they need some generous partners to help buy some tin for roof.

"If we do not give up, we will reap the harvest in its due time." (Gal 6:9)

I will be sending two of our colleagues/staffs of HBSA for the 10 day visit to the sites of oral church planting in the Midwest and the farwest Nepal beginning from the 21st of September.

In the mean time, Jomesh will be arriving tomorrow from Surkhet after taking a week long class at HBTC, Surkhet, Saroj is still in his home district, as his mother is not keeping well, and pastor Yam and I will be leaving day after tomorrow for Baglung, west Nepal to conduct a leadership seminar for four districts there. Ishwor and Samuel will be leaving on the 24th for Mustang, to conduct a Trainers Training of the Bible Story Telling. We are still in need of funds to cover the expenses, as this district is one of the most expensive districts in the Himalayan region. This is the district beyond the Himalayas. We will appreciate your prayers for all of these training programs in this month. We will also appreciate your prayers for two residential leadership training centres one in Lalitpur under pastor Yam,s leadership (20 participants) and the other one in Surkhet under Mr. Kesav Tamang's leadership (21 participants).

Thanking and looking forward to a more meaningful partnership with you in this endeavor of reaching out to the unreached ones of the Midwest and the Farwest Nepal for the Lord,

Sincerely your,
Dil Bahadur Tamang
Himalayan Bible Study Academy
Kathmandu, Nepal.

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