Monday, August 25, 2008

fourth batch of students begin

Loving greetings from Surkhet Training Center. We all are doing well here at Surkhet. Thank you so much for your fervent prayer, love and financial support to Himalayan Bible Training Center.Fourth batch of Himalayan Bible Training Center Surkhet has started on 23 July 2008 with 21 students. Seven women and 14 men from various districts. We are grateful to God for all these dear brothers and sisters whom God has brought here to be equipped in His words Our fourth batch's welcoming program was held at Itram Church. HBTC had invited all the board members and teachers in the program. Pastor Padam Nepali from Bethel Church delivered the word of God and committed our participants into God's hands Lastly, HBTC Surkhet urge you all for continuous prayer for the betterment of this training center. May God bless us all. Thank you so much . In Christ, James Tamang, Mid-west Nepal

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