Monday, August 25, 2008

news from Dil 3 August 2008

Loving greetings from Nepal.
It has been some weeks, since I heard from you and believe you are fine regardless of busy schedule. I am glad to inform you that we have started the 4th batch of the training in Surkhet. I also believe that you have received the group picture too sent by the principal. I am amazed to see the interest and need of the training in those two regions. It was difficult to select the students and we were compelled to enrol at leat 21 out of many. This is the largest batch we ever have.
We are glad that the Lord has provided like-minded friends like you in this building and equipping of the leaders in Nepal for a transformed nation in the future. We are optimistic in this endeavour, regardless of all turmoil and chaos in the land. If we think about the future, we cannot do anything and proceed further (Eccl 11:4)
I am glad that the Social Welfare Council of Nepal has approved our application of various programs. Thanking you for your love and concern to Nepal,
Dil Bahadur Tamang

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