Sunday, November 2, 2008

Kailali floods Sept 2008

Disaster in Kailali District.

Dear friends,

It was 19 September 2008 evening .The rain started as usual manner like rainy season at 7 PM. Slowly it became heavier at 9 PM . I was suppose to travel early in the morning to Nepalganj. I went to bed around 9 PM. When I woke up at 4.30 a.m. There was very heavy rain with strong wind. I left my room at 5. am. The road in town was full of water. It usually is common in rainy season. After coming out ten kilometers from town there was a huge tree fallen down on the road. We used side ways. After struggling with the flood water we succeeded and came back to high way again. But again there was another huge tree on the road. People were busy in cutting the branches .After half an hour waiting we crossed the road.

When we came to real highway we saw the rivers were overflowing . Those rivers look like ocean. Going further ahead the scenes were pathetic. Along the side of the highway houses were sinking in water, People and cattle were running and crying. In some places water was running over the highway. When we reached about 50 KMs we saw many people standing on the road with cattle and their belongings. They stopped us and told don,t go further it can be danger. Within a few second we saw the river water taken big section of the highway.

We returned back from that spot. After arriving back in Dhangadhi I heard the news that thousands of houses destroyed within few hours. Some casualties observed. Army and police forces started rescuing people in different part of kailali districts. Though government and other organizations trying to help them but the damage is so big, it will take long time to recover all the loss.
There are many things we can do to help them.. It depends on the need , as well as fund availability.
In the past I also involved in such kind of relief work in coordination with churches, NGOs and Government health institutions.

I will be very grateful if you can consider urgent need to help those people. Please pray for this situation and if you wish please help by sending your contribution.

Recent statistics update September 23, 2008
Displaced family 12779
Partially effected 1579
No of deaths 50
Missing 26
We can help them by doing following things.
1. Health camp
2. Blankets distribution
3. Food items
4. Warm cloths for children

With kind regards

Sukh Lal Singh

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