Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Graduation Ceremony

As Paul says in Philippians 1:6, “ He who has begun a good work in you, will carry it on to its completion.” We are over whelmed to share with you that we made it and prepared 18 men and women for the Harvest of the Lord and you have played a tremendous role in it. On the 24th of June, the Sunday, the newly formed Ad Hoc board members and the local church and Christian Para-church organization leaders witnessed and blessed our graduates jointly. Our advisor Pastor Solomon Gurung was the Chief Guest of the occasion and also the speaker to encourage our graduates. He shared the words of encouragement quoting II Tim 2:1-7. And the ceremony was represented by all the local church leaders and also the para-church organizations such as, INF, Campus Crusade for Christ, Youth With a
Mission, and so on.

We are encouraged by the attendance of more than 140 leaders. We missed you our honourable partners and sponsors on this occasion and just prayed for you thanking the Lord for your generous Hearts and Hands.

The coordinator Olak Sunuwar was the Master of Ceremony and the youth of Christian Christian Church, Itram led the service with a meaningful worship. After the graduates and the Principal being consecrated by the President of the board, the Founder Director of Himalayan Bible Training Center Dil Bahadur Tamang encouraged the graduates with few words of exhortation saying, “ No one and no thing can ever stop the work of the Lord and He is at work in Nepal, opening many doors for the life transforming Gospel of Christ.”

I believe it has meant you something. We are indebted to you for your faithful prayers first and then the spontaneous generous contributions that has meant us much in this Endeavour of building, training and equipping the saints of this land of turmoil and temples to edify the fledgling churches in this Himalayan kingdom.

We join Paul in saying, “The gifts you sent are fragrant offerings, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.” Phil 4:18.

Himalayan Bible Study Academy Registered with the Government of Nepal.
We thank God for His faithful to us all these years. We are thrilled to share with you that we now have been recognized by the Government of Nepal and has granted us an Official Registration in Capital of Nepal i.e. Kathmandu. Within two weeks time, the government registered us with the name Himalayan Bible Study Academy and Himalayan Bible Training Center in Surkhet will remain as a Branch of Himalayan Bible Study Academy. This was the name given by the government of Nepal to us and the Kathmandu District Administrative Office has given us the Registration No. 1331. God is good all the time and has made all things beautiful in His time. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

May the Lord of Harvest bring forth manifold blessings to you, you continue to be our invaluable partner in this ministry giving hearts and hands together. As you have done a lot for us and we do not deserve to ask with you. Nevertheless, we will highly appreciate your prayers for the Following concerns in order to continue this training ministry to help extend the Kingdom of God in these Two Ignored regions.

1. Please pray for the Second session to be started from the first of August, 2007. We are optimistic that you will continue up holding us in prayers and finances too.
2. Pleas also pray for the following URGENT needs.
a. A Digital camera for the proper and frequent communication (worth of Sterling pounds 100.00 )
b. A Mini Photo Copier, as photo copying in Surkhet is expensive and we need to provide the teaching notes to the participants. (worth Sterling Pounds 270.00)
c. A motor bike for the Principal, as local transportation is not available in Surkhet (worth Sterling pounds 1,000.00)

“We thank God for your Partnership in the Gospel from the first day until the today.”
Phil 1:5

Thanking and looking forward your continuing Partnership and Friendship,

Sincerely yours,

In His Harvest in Nepal,

Rev. Dil Bahadur Tamang
Himalayan Bible Study Academy.
Kathmandu, Nepal.

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