Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Ad hoc Committee being formed

In order to get the local full support for continual and sustainability, we felt to form a local body. Even though we wanted to do in the very beginning of the training center,

had to postpone until our newly appointed Principal completed his Theological Degree in India. On the 23rd of June, the Saturday, we have formed a local ad hoc committee chaired by pastor Padam Nepal, the pastor of the local Assembly Of God Church in Surkhet. We are proud of him, as he is a well known personality in Surkhet because of his contribution to the society. We thank God for His favor to us in getting the local support from these pastors and the leaders to gear up the training ministry.
Front rows from the left, Ps. Guman Singh(Treasurer), Elder Ramjee, Ps. Vijay B.K., Ps. Hem Das, Elder Jagat Basyal.

Back Rows from the left: Ps. Navin Darlami(Vice President), Elder Gyan Gurung, Ps.Padam (President), Keshav Tamang(Principal, ps. Birkha Bayalkoti, Dil Tamang (Founder/Director)

The newly formed Ad Hoc board members consists of the pastors and leaders as follows.

President : Pastor Padam Nepali, Bethel AOG Church, Surkhet
Vice President : Pastor Navin Darlami, Christian Church, Itram, Surkhet
Secretary : Keshav Tamang, (Principal)
Treasurer : Pastor Guman Singh Basyal, Grace Vision Church, Surkhet
Members : 1. Pastor Hem Das, Director GEM Nepal, Banke District
2. Pastor Vijay B.K., Regional President, National Churches
Fellowship of Nepal, Midwest Region
3. Pastor Birkha Bayalkoti, Dailekh AOG Church
4. Pastor Lil Bahdaur Ghartimagar, Dang district
5. Elder Gyan Gurung, INF, Surkhet.
Advisors :1. Pastor Solomon Gurung, Bethel AOG Church, Surkhet
2. Elder Jagat Basyal, Grace Vision Church, Surkhet
3. Elder Ramjee Prasad Koirala, Itram church
4. Olak Sunuwar, Co-ordinator HBTC Surkhet
Patron/ Founder : Dil Bahadur Tamang.

Principal Being Appointed
We are proud to share with you that Mr. Keshav (James) Tamang was appointed by the newly formed Ad Hoc board members to be the Principal of this training centre. To your information, Mr. Kesav Tamang was formerly the Principal of Immanuel Bible Institute in Kathmandu and holds B. Th. from Nepal Ebenezer Bible College, Kathmandu, B.A. from Tribhuvan University and B.D. from Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India recently. He was consecrated by the president of the board on the occasion of the first graduation as seen in the picture. Hereafter, he will head the training center and Dil Tamang, step down gradually. Nevertheless, Olak Sunuwar, the Coordinator will continue coordinating the training in the coming days too, until the Principal gets settled.

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