Saturday, April 12, 2008

ग्रीटिंग्स फ्रॉम प्रिंसिपल जेम्स

6 April 2008
Honorable Dr. Rod and family,

Cordial greetings from Surkhet.

This is James principal of Himalayan Bible Training Center Surkhet. By his grace and through your fervent prayer we all are fine and doing well here so far. First of all, we would like to honor and give praise and glory to our loving God for this training center from where many underprivileged dear local pastors and leaders have been benefited and will be benefited. To God be the glory! After coming here at HBTC they all have a life changing experience from above.

Things are excellent so far at HBTC. As constituent assembly poll approaches on April 10 and we consider it as a historic event, most of the students wanted to cast their valuable votes to their candidates. So we have given them a week off for this purpose. Today they have gone to their native place and let's pray for their journey mercy and safe returning.

Election fever has gone up beyond the measure. Though fighting, kidnapping and muscle showing is going on the present condition is ok than insurgency period. After the election what happens we do not know. For that we have to pray constantly.

Brief activities of HBTC.

Though it is too late, now I thought that it is better to make you known of the happenings here at HBTC. HBTC students do not only learn his words inside the class –room. Every Sunday they divide into four groups and go for evangelization in surrounding villages. We have a exciting message that is - last month five people have accepted the Lord and now they are coming to Itram Church. To God be the Glory.

We have monthly thanksgiving prayer also. By the end of every nepali month we have that fellowship. We all gather early in the morning i.e. is exact six Am and praise God for His all blessings and goodness. Last month most of the students were moved by the spirit. All were crying and there was big tranquility and experienced his living presence.

We have monthly fasting prayer also. That is by the end of English month. We gather at 10pm with prayerful heart and continue till 2pm. God has been so gracious and faithful to our training center.

Regarding Saturday worship, we have again divided them into four groups and sent to four local Churches of this valley. Ultimate purpose to doing this is for their exposure and HBTC's good rapport with local Churches,

Another thing is, from the beginning we had felt that some of the students were struggling in financial matter. We had some bitter experience also. Some get sick. Minor sickness it is ok but sometimes some gets typhoid which costs some amount. We did not have any special fund for that. Sometimes urgent phone comes and students most go to their home but again there is bus fair problem. Earlier we had to bear all these expenses from our mess. We were praying for this and looking for a way to solve this problem. God ultimately spoke to me and now we have introduced a "HBTC welfare Fund". It was done from the second session. What we did was Rs. 5 each month from each students. Even from alumni also. It includes their free will contribution too. Like this we have started a tiny self-supporting formula. Not only from our students but to those teachers who come here to teach. Teachers are also so happy with this idea. Happiest thing worth to share to you all is now unbelievably in this fund we have more than NRs 4000.00(Four thousand rupees). Praise the Lord. By using this money on the condition of returning all our students are travelling today. Please do pray for this FUND also so that it may to some welfare for needy HBTC pastors and leaders.

And another thing is Itram Church wants to take our HBTC students at least once before graduation for evangelization in remote areas. They have seen HBTC students' zeal in evangelization. For that we need total three days. We need to go on Friday without hampering our regular classes and come back on Sunday evening. Altogether number will be not more than 25 including me and some Church members. For that we need bus fare and eating stuffs. I was told that local Church will bear some eating stuffs. Even if Church bears some part what I have seen is we need some amount i.e. NRs 5,000.00(Five thousand). If some amount remains we could use for 2nd trip. Please do pray for this also.

Finally, things are well. God is great and whatever you have done so far and doing for HBTC is immeasurable. Your labor, support, prayer and service to eternal great God for the expansion of his kingdom will not be in vain and He rewards you. Oh! sorry, today I do not know email has been so long and I think you won't get time to read this lengthy email. But kindly do find few minutes to read all the brief happenings of your own HBTC Surkhet. If your valuable time permits kindly write me back few words. Thank you

In Christ

James Tamang

Principal, HBTC, Surkhet.

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