Sunday, April 6, 2008

First Batch Himalayan Bible Training Centre

First Batch Himalayan Bible Training Centre
Surkhet, Midwest Nepal
Five Month Residential Leadership Training

“ My sheep wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. They were scattered over the whole earth, and no one searched or looked for them.”
Ezekiel 34:6 (NIV)

Honourable Dr. Rod and all the partners,
Warmest greetings from Himalayan Bible Training Centre, Surkhet family.

To begin with, we are overwhelmed to share with you about the thrilling success of having the First Batch Residential Leadership Training in these two needy most regions of Nepal, namely the Midwest and the Farwest Nepal.

We do not think it would have been possible, had you not been our honourable partner in this endeavor and your invaluable participation and partnership in this regard has been highly appreciated. All glory to God, the Almighty and you deserve all appreciation we could ever offer.
Let me now, share with you some up dates about the first batch of the residential leadership training for five months.

The Day of Commencement.

We, indeed had a plan to start the training on the first of February 2007. Nevertheless, due to the ongoing uncertain general strike in Nepal in those days, we were affected badly to start the training on its scheduled date. i.e. the first of February. As the strike continued, some of the prospective participants changes their minds, and could not come to join us in the training. However, the Lord provided some other new unexpected participants and the total number of the participants was 18 in the beginning, though only 12 of them could attend the opening ceremony on the fourth of
February, 2007, as seen in the picture beside and the rest joined on the following days. In the presence of the local pastors and leaders, 12 particpatns were dedicated to the Lord for the journey of learning for the next five months. The Founder/Director Dil Bahadur Tamang encouraged the participants from the Word of God on that occasion dedicated to the Lord. Since the house we rented was under construction, the Christian Church, Itram, Surkhet sheltered us offering two rooms for hostels for the few early months to which we are
indebted. For few, even the classes were held at the
Christian Church, Itram.

Extra Activities included.
In order to let the participants experience the ministry in a different context, we led them to the field for personal sharing times with the non-believers in and around Surkhet valley. On different occasions, the trainers guided the participants to various places to the live field experiences. The trainers of Nepal Campus Crusade for Christ led all the participants for one full day to share the good news to the non believing friends. Besides the class room sessions, the participants got opportunities to have the experiences in the field and we are glad that many people started coming to the church, being influenced by our participants. On the other occasion, our participants were led to have a Prayer Walk up the hills of Surkhet, as seen in the picture beside.

One of the excitements I feel sharing with you is the active involvement of our participants in the Easter Procession and the Open air preaching. They were given different responsibilities to do a volunteer menial works and Olak Sunuwar,our co-ordinator was given the responsibility to lead the CHOIR of the Easter Program in the Surkhet valley. Another privilege that our participants got was the Leadership Seminar organized by LEAD Nepal, Pokhara for three days. In the seminar, they were taught by pastor Grishma Parajuli. We are sorry that we could not provide the pictures of these activities, as the training center does not own a camera yet. The Only camera we, HBTC Nepal own remains in Kathmandu particularly with the Director for reporting of various training ministries.

Participants exchanged.
In our previous information, we mentioned that there were 18 participants in the training. We also provided the single and also the group pictures of the participants. But, as Mr. Nawal Sing B.K. had to concentrate on his pastoral duties back at his church, he could not complete the course and in the mean time, Miss Nisha Koirala had joined the course and the total number became 18 again. But, this happened after we communicated with you.

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