Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy Easter from Dil Bahadur

9 April 2008
Dear John Bradley,

We are glad to share with you that the amount you wired to us has been credited and thank you for your efforts to help us reach the lost souls of Nepal. As you know, Nepal will be having the historic poll for the constituent assembly which will decide the future of Nepal. We, therefore would appreciate your prayers for Nepal. We have closed the school for a week, as per the government rules and will resume the classes from next week. Thanking you and looking forward a continuing partnership in the ministry,

Sincerely yours,
Dil Bahadur Tamang

ग्रीटिंग्स फ्रॉम प्रिंसिपल जेम्स

6 April 2008
Honorable Dr. Rod and family,

Cordial greetings from Surkhet.

This is James principal of Himalayan Bible Training Center Surkhet. By his grace and through your fervent prayer we all are fine and doing well here so far. First of all, we would like to honor and give praise and glory to our loving God for this training center from where many underprivileged dear local pastors and leaders have been benefited and will be benefited. To God be the glory! After coming here at HBTC they all have a life changing experience from above.

Things are excellent so far at HBTC. As constituent assembly poll approaches on April 10 and we consider it as a historic event, most of the students wanted to cast their valuable votes to their candidates. So we have given them a week off for this purpose. Today they have gone to their native place and let's pray for their journey mercy and safe returning.

Election fever has gone up beyond the measure. Though fighting, kidnapping and muscle showing is going on the present condition is ok than insurgency period. After the election what happens we do not know. For that we have to pray constantly.

Brief activities of HBTC.

Though it is too late, now I thought that it is better to make you known of the happenings here at HBTC. HBTC students do not only learn his words inside the class –room. Every Sunday they divide into four groups and go for evangelization in surrounding villages. We have a exciting message that is - last month five people have accepted the Lord and now they are coming to Itram Church. To God be the Glory.

We have monthly thanksgiving prayer also. By the end of every nepali month we have that fellowship. We all gather early in the morning i.e. is exact six Am and praise God for His all blessings and goodness. Last month most of the students were moved by the spirit. All were crying and there was big tranquility and experienced his living presence.

We have monthly fasting prayer also. That is by the end of English month. We gather at 10pm with prayerful heart and continue till 2pm. God has been so gracious and faithful to our training center.

Regarding Saturday worship, we have again divided them into four groups and sent to four local Churches of this valley. Ultimate purpose to doing this is for their exposure and HBTC's good rapport with local Churches,

Another thing is, from the beginning we had felt that some of the students were struggling in financial matter. We had some bitter experience also. Some get sick. Minor sickness it is ok but sometimes some gets typhoid which costs some amount. We did not have any special fund for that. Sometimes urgent phone comes and students most go to their home but again there is bus fair problem. Earlier we had to bear all these expenses from our mess. We were praying for this and looking for a way to solve this problem. God ultimately spoke to me and now we have introduced a "HBTC welfare Fund". It was done from the second session. What we did was Rs. 5 each month from each students. Even from alumni also. It includes their free will contribution too. Like this we have started a tiny self-supporting formula. Not only from our students but to those teachers who come here to teach. Teachers are also so happy with this idea. Happiest thing worth to share to you all is now unbelievably in this fund we have more than NRs 4000.00(Four thousand rupees). Praise the Lord. By using this money on the condition of returning all our students are travelling today. Please do pray for this FUND also so that it may to some welfare for needy HBTC pastors and leaders.

And another thing is Itram Church wants to take our HBTC students at least once before graduation for evangelization in remote areas. They have seen HBTC students' zeal in evangelization. For that we need total three days. We need to go on Friday without hampering our regular classes and come back on Sunday evening. Altogether number will be not more than 25 including me and some Church members. For that we need bus fare and eating stuffs. I was told that local Church will bear some eating stuffs. Even if Church bears some part what I have seen is we need some amount i.e. NRs 5,000.00(Five thousand). If some amount remains we could use for 2nd trip. Please do pray for this also.

Finally, things are well. God is great and whatever you have done so far and doing for HBTC is immeasurable. Your labor, support, prayer and service to eternal great God for the expansion of his kingdom will not be in vain and He rewards you. Oh! sorry, today I do not know email has been so long and I think you won't get time to read this lengthy email. But kindly do find few minutes to read all the brief happenings of your own HBTC Surkhet. If your valuable time permits kindly write me back few words. Thank you

In Christ

James Tamang

Principal, HBTC, Surkhet.

Christia Church इत्रम Praying for you and sharing too

6 April 2008
Dr. Rod and family in Lord

Warm greeting from cci.

We all are fine here and doing pray continue for you and your ministry.

Our church is doing pray for the success election that is going to be held on Thursday after 4 days. Telling here religion free country but it is not mention in constitution book nor prepared yet.

It is challenging for us so that worldwide churches are doing pray for Nepal now. We are going to do leadership seminar in our church after 3 weeks so that pray for it. It is for the key leaders who are dedicating for ministry in through local churches. We are focusing for the itram and its daughter churches leaders. We are also praying for the fund $100 but other fund already provided in our fund. God bless you in richly.


Sunday, April 6, 2008

group picture of HBTCS second batch 2007

First Batch Himalayan Bible Training Centre

First Batch Himalayan Bible Training Centre
Surkhet, Midwest Nepal
Five Month Residential Leadership Training

“ My sheep wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. They were scattered over the whole earth, and no one searched or looked for them.”
Ezekiel 34:6 (NIV)

Honourable Dr. Rod and all the partners,
Warmest greetings from Himalayan Bible Training Centre, Surkhet family.

To begin with, we are overwhelmed to share with you about the thrilling success of having the First Batch Residential Leadership Training in these two needy most regions of Nepal, namely the Midwest and the Farwest Nepal.

We do not think it would have been possible, had you not been our honourable partner in this endeavor and your invaluable participation and partnership in this regard has been highly appreciated. All glory to God, the Almighty and you deserve all appreciation we could ever offer.
Let me now, share with you some up dates about the first batch of the residential leadership training for five months.

The Day of Commencement.

We, indeed had a plan to start the training on the first of February 2007. Nevertheless, due to the ongoing uncertain general strike in Nepal in those days, we were affected badly to start the training on its scheduled date. i.e. the first of February. As the strike continued, some of the prospective participants changes their minds, and could not come to join us in the training. However, the Lord provided some other new unexpected participants and the total number of the participants was 18 in the beginning, though only 12 of them could attend the opening ceremony on the fourth of
February, 2007, as seen in the picture beside and the rest joined on the following days. In the presence of the local pastors and leaders, 12 particpatns were dedicated to the Lord for the journey of learning for the next five months. The Founder/Director Dil Bahadur Tamang encouraged the participants from the Word of God on that occasion dedicated to the Lord. Since the house we rented was under construction, the Christian Church, Itram, Surkhet sheltered us offering two rooms for hostels for the few early months to which we are
indebted. For few, even the classes were held at the
Christian Church, Itram.

Extra Activities included.
In order to let the participants experience the ministry in a different context, we led them to the field for personal sharing times with the non-believers in and around Surkhet valley. On different occasions, the trainers guided the participants to various places to the live field experiences. The trainers of Nepal Campus Crusade for Christ led all the participants for one full day to share the good news to the non believing friends. Besides the class room sessions, the participants got opportunities to have the experiences in the field and we are glad that many people started coming to the church, being influenced by our participants. On the other occasion, our participants were led to have a Prayer Walk up the hills of Surkhet, as seen in the picture beside.

One of the excitements I feel sharing with you is the active involvement of our participants in the Easter Procession and the Open air preaching. They were given different responsibilities to do a volunteer menial works and Olak Sunuwar,our co-ordinator was given the responsibility to lead the CHOIR of the Easter Program in the Surkhet valley. Another privilege that our participants got was the Leadership Seminar organized by LEAD Nepal, Pokhara for three days. In the seminar, they were taught by pastor Grishma Parajuli. We are sorry that we could not provide the pictures of these activities, as the training center does not own a camera yet. The Only camera we, HBTC Nepal own remains in Kathmandu particularly with the Director for reporting of various training ministries.

Participants exchanged.
In our previous information, we mentioned that there were 18 participants in the training. We also provided the single and also the group pictures of the participants. But, as Mr. Nawal Sing B.K. had to concentrate on his pastoral duties back at his church, he could not complete the course and in the mean time, Miss Nisha Koirala had joined the course and the total number became 18 again. But, this happened after we communicated with you.

The Graduation Ceremony

As Paul says in Philippians 1:6, “ He who has begun a good work in you, will carry it on to its completion.” We are over whelmed to share with you that we made it and prepared 18 men and women for the Harvest of the Lord and you have played a tremendous role in it. On the 24th of June, the Sunday, the newly formed Ad Hoc board members and the local church and Christian Para-church organization leaders witnessed and blessed our graduates jointly. Our advisor Pastor Solomon Gurung was the Chief Guest of the occasion and also the speaker to encourage our graduates. He shared the words of encouragement quoting II Tim 2:1-7. And the ceremony was represented by all the local church leaders and also the para-church organizations such as, INF, Campus Crusade for Christ, Youth With a
Mission, and so on.

We are encouraged by the attendance of more than 140 leaders. We missed you our honourable partners and sponsors on this occasion and just prayed for you thanking the Lord for your generous Hearts and Hands.

The coordinator Olak Sunuwar was the Master of Ceremony and the youth of Christian Christian Church, Itram led the service with a meaningful worship. After the graduates and the Principal being consecrated by the President of the board, the Founder Director of Himalayan Bible Training Center Dil Bahadur Tamang encouraged the graduates with few words of exhortation saying, “ No one and no thing can ever stop the work of the Lord and He is at work in Nepal, opening many doors for the life transforming Gospel of Christ.”

I believe it has meant you something. We are indebted to you for your faithful prayers first and then the spontaneous generous contributions that has meant us much in this Endeavour of building, training and equipping the saints of this land of turmoil and temples to edify the fledgling churches in this Himalayan kingdom.

We join Paul in saying, “The gifts you sent are fragrant offerings, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.” Phil 4:18.

Himalayan Bible Study Academy Registered with the Government of Nepal.
We thank God for His faithful to us all these years. We are thrilled to share with you that we now have been recognized by the Government of Nepal and has granted us an Official Registration in Capital of Nepal i.e. Kathmandu. Within two weeks time, the government registered us with the name Himalayan Bible Study Academy and Himalayan Bible Training Center in Surkhet will remain as a Branch of Himalayan Bible Study Academy. This was the name given by the government of Nepal to us and the Kathmandu District Administrative Office has given us the Registration No. 1331. God is good all the time and has made all things beautiful in His time. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

May the Lord of Harvest bring forth manifold blessings to you, you continue to be our invaluable partner in this ministry giving hearts and hands together. As you have done a lot for us and we do not deserve to ask with you. Nevertheless, we will highly appreciate your prayers for the Following concerns in order to continue this training ministry to help extend the Kingdom of God in these Two Ignored regions.

1. Please pray for the Second session to be started from the first of August, 2007. We are optimistic that you will continue up holding us in prayers and finances too.
2. Pleas also pray for the following URGENT needs.
a. A Digital camera for the proper and frequent communication (worth of Sterling pounds 100.00 )
b. A Mini Photo Copier, as photo copying in Surkhet is expensive and we need to provide the teaching notes to the participants. (worth Sterling Pounds 270.00)
c. A motor bike for the Principal, as local transportation is not available in Surkhet (worth Sterling pounds 1,000.00)

“We thank God for your Partnership in the Gospel from the first day until the today.”
Phil 1:5

Thanking and looking forward your continuing Partnership and Friendship,

Sincerely yours,

In His Harvest in Nepal,

Rev. Dil Bahadur Tamang
Himalayan Bible Study Academy.
Kathmandu, Nepal.

The Ad hoc Committee being formed

In order to get the local full support for continual and sustainability, we felt to form a local body. Even though we wanted to do in the very beginning of the training center,

had to postpone until our newly appointed Principal completed his Theological Degree in India. On the 23rd of June, the Saturday, we have formed a local ad hoc committee chaired by pastor Padam Nepal, the pastor of the local Assembly Of God Church in Surkhet. We are proud of him, as he is a well known personality in Surkhet because of his contribution to the society. We thank God for His favor to us in getting the local support from these pastors and the leaders to gear up the training ministry.
Front rows from the left, Ps. Guman Singh(Treasurer), Elder Ramjee, Ps. Vijay B.K., Ps. Hem Das, Elder Jagat Basyal.

Back Rows from the left: Ps. Navin Darlami(Vice President), Elder Gyan Gurung, Ps.Padam (President), Keshav Tamang(Principal, ps. Birkha Bayalkoti, Dil Tamang (Founder/Director)

The newly formed Ad Hoc board members consists of the pastors and leaders as follows.

President : Pastor Padam Nepali, Bethel AOG Church, Surkhet
Vice President : Pastor Navin Darlami, Christian Church, Itram, Surkhet
Secretary : Keshav Tamang, (Principal)
Treasurer : Pastor Guman Singh Basyal, Grace Vision Church, Surkhet
Members : 1. Pastor Hem Das, Director GEM Nepal, Banke District
2. Pastor Vijay B.K., Regional President, National Churches
Fellowship of Nepal, Midwest Region
3. Pastor Birkha Bayalkoti, Dailekh AOG Church
4. Pastor Lil Bahdaur Ghartimagar, Dang district
5. Elder Gyan Gurung, INF, Surkhet.
Advisors :1. Pastor Solomon Gurung, Bethel AOG Church, Surkhet
2. Elder Jagat Basyal, Grace Vision Church, Surkhet
3. Elder Ramjee Prasad Koirala, Itram church
4. Olak Sunuwar, Co-ordinator HBTC Surkhet
Patron/ Founder : Dil Bahadur Tamang.

Principal Being Appointed
We are proud to share with you that Mr. Keshav (James) Tamang was appointed by the newly formed Ad Hoc board members to be the Principal of this training centre. To your information, Mr. Kesav Tamang was formerly the Principal of Immanuel Bible Institute in Kathmandu and holds B. Th. from Nepal Ebenezer Bible College, Kathmandu, B.A. from Tribhuvan University and B.D. from Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India recently. He was consecrated by the president of the board on the occasion of the first graduation as seen in the picture. Hereafter, he will head the training center and Dil Tamang, step down gradually. Nevertheless, Olak Sunuwar, the Coordinator will continue coordinating the training in the coming days too, until the Principal gets settled.