Monday, May 6, 2013

Honourable Dr. Rod and supporters in the UK, Greetings from HBTC Surkhet. It has been quite some time, since I communicated with you and believe this email finds you in sound health. I am glad that Dr. Rod has been circulating the news of HBTC Surkhet on a regular basis and we thank God for the friendship and partnership with us all these years. I am overwhelmed to share with you about the commencement of long awaited One Year programme of HBTC Surkhet with 12 selective participants. We owe you a lot for your fervent prayers and the spontaneous support to us all these years which has meant us much. Please find the group picture of the very first session of One Year Programme of the training centre and will appreciate your continued prayers and financial support to this training ministry and we are optimistic that these men and women will make difference in their respective churches and communities in the future. The Lord has granted us 10 female and 2 male students for this historic training session at HBTC Surkhet. Now on, pastor Yam, the director of HBSA and pastor Suresh, the principal of the training centre will communicate with you on a regualr basis, as I will remain in the field mostly. However, I will try my best to communicate whenever needed. Thanking you once again, Dil

from Andy's vision trip

Just a quick line to say that I was able visit HBTC on my 'INF Vision Trip' visit to Nepal (returned last night) Going on well.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Proposal for Land for the Training Centre

"… to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the Body of Christ.” (Ephe 4:12) Honourable Partners, Loving greetings from Nepal. The First and the foremost, let me express our collective gratitude to you for your sincere prayers and faithful partnership with us all these years in the ministry of training, equipping and empowering the grass roots leaders of this fertile soil to Lead, Feed and Protect the flocks and Plant new churches in this land of temples. You, our honourable vision conjuring partners deserve our appreciation in this endeavor. I am sure that it would not have been possible for us to carry on this vision, had you not been our friend, partner and benefactor. Let me now share with you about the burning need of partnership in buying a piece of land for the residential training centre in Surkhet, Mid-west Nepal. Brief Preamble of HBTC. Himalayan Bible Training Centre, Surkhet, Mid-west Nepal, HBTC hereafter was established on Feb, 13, 2007 and runs Five Month Residential Bible/Leadership training for the underprivileged, grassroots leaders and the church planters in Nepal. The HBTC is a residential Bible/Leadership training centre of Himalayan Bible Study Academy established on January 2, 2002, a non denominational and interdenominational ministry, also a registered ministry with the government of Nepal and have been alma mater for many grassroots leaders and has have trained 179 leaders in the consecutive 12 sessions. Our joys find no boundary to get reports of tremendous success of church planting by our alumni. Only in the last fiscal year, 56 new churches were planted by our alumni according to the reports we received and all glory to God Almighty. Need of a plot of land to construct our own building. In the last 11 years of ministry across the country, we have been focusing on building the PEOPLE and our priority had never been on Building the infrastructures. Our PURPOSE was distinct i.e. to train and equip the leaders to be more effective & multiplying leaders and the church planters to plant the new churches in inaccessible places of Nepal, God has generously granted us the PEOPLE i.e. both the benefactors and the beneficiaries as you have noticed, and we have been doing the PROGRAMS and never had priority on owning PROPERTY. As it is obvious that the challenges have grown, as the ministry grows and continuing the residential training in a rented house has become difficult. As per the demand of the time and need of the village churches in the mid-west and the far-west Nepal, we are now convicted that our training program has to be upgraded into a Year Bible school which requires a proper management in our own infrastructure. We therefore have been seeking for some like-minded friends to give us Heart, Head and Hand in this challenging effort of buying a plot of land first and then start the construction of buildings in different phases. Here I go with some brief information about the proposed land-purchasing plans. Details of the Project: The proposed area of the land: In the valley of Surkhet, but somewhere 2-3 kilometers away from the main city. The area of the land: 2 Ropani according to the local unit measurement i.e. 10,952 square feet with road access. Estimated cost of the land : NPR. 17,00,000.00 equivalent with GBP 12,319.00 Projected dateline to complete the project: Within next 15 months i.e. by Dec 31, 2013. Ownership of the land : The land will be registered in the name of Himalayan Bible Study Academy, as a Registered organization with the government of Nepal. Usage of the land: Building for our One Year Residential Bible School and short term occasional training programmes. The building of proposed One year Bible School (Jan 2013) will be constructed in the land and some short term seminars and conferences could be held in the premises. “Now to Him, who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.” (Eph 3:20) I am sure that this project shall be incomplete without your prayers and partnership. Let me, therefore covet your sincere prayers and spontaneous investment in it for the extension of His kingdom here in Nepal. Thanking and looking forward to a stronger partnership with you in this endeavor, -------------------------------- Dil Bahadur Tamang President, Himalayan Bible Study Academy, (Govt. Reg. No. 1331) Kathmandu, Nepal. Picture sketch of the Proposed buildings of HBTC Surkhet. Building No. 4: Kitchen and Dinning for about 30 people Building No. 3 : 6 Rooms, one room as meeting room and 5 rooms for 10 Female students on 2x2 sharing basis Building No. 2 : Principal’s Quarters Building No. 1 : Main building containing 18 rooms, 10 rooms for Men’s hostel on 2x2 sharing basis, offices, library, Guest Room and Class room so on.

Biographies for the 12th Batch of Students

Himalayan Bible Training Centre, Surkhet Biographies for the 12th Batch of Students Hira Darlami Magar Age: 20 yrs Christya Church Karekhola, Surkhet Address: Jarbuta V.D.C.- 6 Lamidada, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I am Hira. I come from a remote area of the Surkhet valley. My family is from the Magar people group, living a simple agricultural life on a hillside. My parents work in the fields. I was able to complete Grade 12. One day I climbed up a tree and fell down on the ground and could not move. My father admitted me to the local hospital. After that I was healed. Later, because of alcohol consumption, my father becoming very ill and was admitted to the local hospital. He was not healed and he came back home. One Christian lady came to my house and shared about Jesus. When church people prayed for my father he was completely healed. Then I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. After that I continued to go to church. Now my pastor has sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve as a youth group leader. Please pray for me. 2. Name: Sunita Tamrakar Age: 22 yrs Asis Church, Chhayoda Dadeldhura Address: Amargadi Municipality-6, Chhayoda, Dadeldhura District, Far-West region, Nepal Conversion story I am Sunita. I was born and brought up in Dadeldhura, with a Hindu background. I came from a poor family. My father and elder brother went to India and searched for work and then sent money for us to live. I continued my education until Grade 10. When I was a child my mother passed away. I stayed with my elder sister once she got married. I felt alone. I had no peace in my heart and because of my situation I worshipped many gods. This did not satisfy my heart so I left behind all my Hindu customs. My friend was suffering with an evil spirit. A pastor was called and with prayer she was slowly healed. When I saw that I liked it and accepted Jesus as LORD. After that I continued to go to church. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve at my church in my village in the women's group. 3. Name: Tej Tamrakar Age: 25 yrs Asis Church, Chhayoda Dadeldhura Address: Amargadi Municipality-6, Chhayoda Dadeldhura District, Far-West region, Nepal Conversion story My name is Tej. I am come from a remote area of Dadeldhura. My family background is Hindu. I born and brought up with these same customs. When I was 12 years old bad friends influenced me and so when I was in Grade 7 I left school. One time I entered a Hindu temple and was possessed by an evil spirit. I was fearful and because of this problem I visited many mediums but could not be healed. My situation grew worse day by day. My friend was a Christian and he invited me to church. When I went to church I was slowly healed through prayer. I continued to go to church. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve with my church youth group in my village. Please pray for me. 4. Name: Gagabir Bath Age: 28 yrs Jyoti Prasamsha Church, Jugar Rolpa Address: Budagau V.D.C.- 5, Simpani, Rolpa District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I come from Rolpa District. My family is large and poor and of Magar background. From a young age I was involved in rituals. Because of my friends I became mixed up with bad company. I attended drunken parties. Because of my wickedness I was unable to serve my family. 9 years ago I went to Katmandu and worked at a brick factory. At that time a Christian leader come to my workplace and shared about Jesus. After that I went church. When church people prayed for me I was completely freed from my bad habit and I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. Nowadays,in my village, there is a new church. I serve as a leader in this church. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve with my church in the remote area of Rolpa. 5. Name: Kamal Soni Age: 20 yrs Neware Christya Church, Surkhet Address: Birendranagar Municipality- 1, Gagret Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I was born and brought up in Aalaya Chaur, Surkhet. My family background is Christian. I brought up with Christian values and customs, but I had an up-and-down lifestyle. Because of poverty my father always drinks alcohol. I could not continue school education past tenth grade. At that time I went to a Christian seminar and learnt that Jesus can heal your family's problems. After that I went church. When church people prayed for me I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. I continue to go to church. My church sent me to this training at the HBTC. After this training I want to serve in Gagret village in Surkhet. 6. Name: Jit Bhadur Budha Chhetri Age: 23 yrs Bheri Christya Church, Surkhet Address: Latikoili V.D.C.- 5, Beri Breze, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story My name is Jit. I come from the bank of the Bheri River. My father was the priest at the Hindu Temple. Because of poverty I could not continue school education past fifth grade. I needed to work so I went to India and spent 20 months there. As I was coming back a thief stole all my money. My mother become very ill, her body was always shaking. My grandmother was a Christian. She called church people and they prayed for my mother. Then she went to a church and after that she believed in Jesus as LORD. I also believed. Now my whole family, including my father, has accepted Jesus and goes to church. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve in my village on the bank of the Bheri River. Please pray for me. 7. Name: Bir Bhadur Wali Age: 56 yrs Anugra Church,Chepang Address: Kunathari Chepang V.D.C.-1Bheri Kinar, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I come from a Chhetri, orthodox Hindu background. From a small age I worked in the fields. At the age of 18 I joined the Nepali armed police force. After 22 years I retired and worked at home. I was suffering from a sickness at that time. Because of that I could not work and just lay in bed. I went to the local hospital and they referred to me a bigger hospital. I went there but did not improve. I came back to my house and went to church. When I started to go to church I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. Now my family, including my wife, has accepted Jesus and goes to church. But my two sons could not accept Jesus. I continue to go to church and learn more about Jesus. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve in my Chepang village church. 8. Name: Hikmat Bahadur Gharti Magar Age: 26 yrs Bethel Church, Surkhet Address: Lekparajul V.D.C.- 2, Basari, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story My name is Hikmat. I come from a remote area of the Surkhet District. My family's religious background is Hindu. I was born and brought up according to Hindu customs. In my V.D.C. there is a primary school. Because of poverty I could not go to school. At the age of 18 I got married and we had a child. After that my wife was suffering from a sickness. Because of that she could not work and just lay in bed. We treated her at home but it did not work and so then we took her to a big hospital but she did not improve. We came back home. My aunty is a Christian and she invited me to church. When we went to church my wife was slowly healed through prayer. We continued to go to church. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve with my church in my village. Please pray for me. 9. Name: Lalbir B.K. Age: 17 yrs Bethel Church, Salghaei Surkhet Address: Lekhparajul V.D.C.- 1, Salghari, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I am Lalbir. My family lives on the bank of the Bheri River. They were all Hindu. Because of poverty I could not continue my school education past eighth grade. When I was 14 I became mixed up in bad company. For that reason I began to suffer from chest pain and became very ill. My father admitted me to the local hospital. I went there but did not improve. At that time one Christian lady came to my house and shared that Jesus could heal. After that I went to church. When church people prayed for me I was completely healed and I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. Now my whole family has accepted Jesus and goes to church. My church sent me to this training at the HBTC. After this training I want to serve in Salghari village on the bank of the Bheri River. 10. Name: Moti Prasad B.K. Age: 23 yrs Penticost Church, Gumi, Surkhet Address: Gumi V.D.C.- 7, Bisalchook, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I come from a remote area of Surkhet. My family lives a simple agricultural life on a hillside. My parents work in the fields. Because of my mother's sickness I was not able to go to school so I went to India and searched for work but could not earn enough money. After many months of hard labor I sent money and mother was admitted to hospital. Sometime later I returned to my village. When a leader visited me he invited me to church. When church people prayed for my mother she was healed and I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. I learned about Jesus and continued to go to church. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve in my village church. Please pray for me. 11. Name: Honok Bahadur Rawal Age: 30 yrs Anugra Christya Church, Chiuribaj Kailali Address: Pathria V.D.C.- 8, Khairafat, Kailali District, Far-West region, Nepal Conversion story I am Honok Bhadur Rawal. I was born and brought up in the border area of the western terai, with a Hindu background. I came from a family where alcohol was made. From a young age I learned to drink and smoke and fight. I could not continue my education beyond third class. At the age of 13 I left home and went to India. I spent thirteen years there in Jujrath. I came back home, but then returned to India where I worked for five years as a laborer. While working at a house my friend invited me to church. I liked it and accepted Jesus as LORD of my life and have continued to go to church. My life still is slowly changing. My wife also accepted Jesus and went to church. The church has also sent me to this training at HBTC. After this training I want to serve in my village church. Please pray for me. 12. Name: Janaki B.K. Age: 19 yrs Neware Christya Church, Surkhet Address: Birendranagar Municipality- 12, Neware, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story My name is Janaki. I come from the eastern part of the Surkhet Valley. My family background is Hindu and I was brought up with these customs. I passed all the school grades. I left my father's house and stayed in my mother's father's house. My grandfather became a Christian and he invited me to church. When I went to church I liked it and continued to go to church. At church I learnt more about Jesus. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve with my church, ministering to women in my area. 13. Name: Eklal B.K. Age: 43 yrs Asis Church, Dhodekhal Surkhet Address: Birendranagar Municipality- 1, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I come from Dhodekhali, Surkhet. My family background is Hindu and from a young age I was involved in rituals. Because of poverty I could not receive a school education. I needed to work so I went to India and spent some years there. I came back and worked in construction. I was suffering from a sickness at the time. Because of paralysis I could not move and I always lay in bed. My wife admitted me to the local hospital and they referred to me a big hospital in Kathmandu. I went there but did not improve. The doctor said to me "You have cancer. You will only live for six more months". They sent me back home. I had no hope in my life. I came back to my house and began to count my days. When I started to go to church my life slowly improved. When church people prayed I was healed and I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. Now my church has appointed me as a church leader. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve with my church. 14. Name: Hira Singh Sarki Age: 28 yrs Siwan Aradhana Church, Kalyan Surkhet Address: Kalyan V.D.C.- 5 Hile Shota, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I am Hira. I come from Kalyan, Surkhet. My family background is Hindu and I was brought up with these customs. I suffered from a sickness during my childhood. Because of my illness my father did many things to try and help me. At last one Christian leader came to my house and shared that Jesus heals your problems. After that I went church. When church people prayed for me I was completely healed and we accepted Jesus as LORD of our lives. Because of physical weakness I could not continue school more than seventh grade. Now my whole family, including my wife, has accepted Jesus and goes to church. Although our family life is up and down because of poverty we continue to go to church. My church sent me to this training at the HBTC. After this training I want to serve in Hilesota village in Surkhet. Please pray for me. 15. Name: Dev Sunar Age: 21 yrs Gaigatha Church, Taratal Bardia Address: Sanoshree V.D.C.-1, Bargau Coliaroad Bardia District, Mid-West Region, Nepal Conversion story My name is Dev. I come from an area near the border between India and Nepal, the Bardia District. My family background is Hindu and I was brought up with these customs. My family is large, living a simple agricultural life on the Terai. My parents work in the fields. I was not able to pass my school education so I went to India and searched for work but could not earn enough money. I returned to my village. Through a manpower agency I was able to go to Malaysia and work at a furniture company. While in Malaysia I heard that my wife, back in my village, married somebody else. I felt sad and come home, sick with depression. Due to all this I felt very sad. My friend brought me to church. There I learned about Jesus and continued to go to church. I liked it and accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. In my village there are no leaders of the church. I want to lead my church after this training. Please pray for me. 16. Name: Gopal B.K. Age: 18yrs Gaigatha Church, Taratal Bardia Address: Sanoshree V.D.C.-1, Bargau Coliaroad Bardia District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story My name is Gopal. I come from an area near the border between India and Nepal, the the Bardia District. My family background is Hindu and I was brought with these customs. My family is large, living a simple agricultural life on a Terai. My parents work in the fields. I was not able to study beyond eighth grade at school. Because of my friends I became involved with bad company. I attended drunken parties. Because of my wickedness I was unable to serve my family. At that time one Christian leader came to my house and shared about Jesus. After that I went church. When church people prayed for me I was completely freed from my bad habit and after that I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. In my village there is no leader in the church. After this training I want to serve in my village church. 17. Name: Shankar Sarki Age: 32 yrs Siwan Aradhana Church, Kalyan Surkhet Address: Kalyan V.D.C.- 5, Hile Shota, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story My family lives on the bank of the Bheri River. They were all Hindu. Because of poverty I could not continue my school education past eighth grade. I needed to work so I went to India and spent four years there in Hariyana. I came back to join the Maoist Army during the People's War. I served five years in their army before returning to India as a laborer. Because of my father becoming very ill I returned to Nepal. My father was completely healed when he went to a church and after that I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. Now my whole family, including my wife, has accepted Jesus and goes to church. Although our family life is up and down because of poverty we continue to go to church. My church sent me to this training at the HBTC. After this training I want to serve in Salghari village on the bank of the Bheri River.

local board meeting 16 September 2012

Loving greetings from HBTC Surkhet. On behalf of the training centre family, let me greet you all in the name of the Lord and express our collective gratitude to you for your active participation and prayers for us. I do not think it would have been possible for us to carry on the training ministry here in the Midwest Nepal, had you not played a vital role of praying and partnering with us and may the Lord bless you. I recently visited the training centre in Surkhet and could attend the local board meeting on the 16th September and may I share with you the following resolution made by the board for your information and prayers. 1. Change in the local board I am glad to share with you that the founding local board had been playing a tremendous role in bringing up the training ministry in the last five and half years and pastor Padam Nepali, the founding chairman has spontaneously handed over the responsibility to the new board chaired by pastor Navin Darlami (Itram Christian Church), as he remained pretty busy these days. The new board comprises the following members. Pastor Padam Nepali : Advisor Elder Engineer Ramji Prasad Koirala : Advisor Pastor Navin Darlami : Chairman Pastor Goman Basyal : Vice-chairman Elder Gyan Gurung : Secretary Elder Dipendra Thapa : Treasurer Mrs. Ganga Nepali : Member Ms. Lalita Auji : Member Mr. Chiran Gaire : Member Let us pray for the successful tenure of the new board for the betterment of the training centre. 2. Up grading the Training Programme As I shared with you some months before for prayers and suggestions about up grading the programme into a year programme, time now has come to proceed further in it. Thank you also for your approval for it and the local board has decided to up grade the training course from five months into a year programme to be effective after the completion of the 12th session i.e. commencing from the 16th of January 2013. I will appreciate your prayers as we need to design the course and take faith steps financially as there will be some additional expense comparatively for the one year program. However, we will not ask you to raise any additional funding for this reason. We will try not to add additional burden to you and the friends and will be happy with the regular funding from you. 3. Need of a piece of land of our own. The board has prayerfully decided to initiate the fund raising for the need of land and building for the training centre in Surkhet. I will prepare a separate proposal for it and send to you some time later. Please bear with me until I spare some time to prepare it. This much for today and it has been our prayer that the Lord would bless you and our honourable partners in the ministry. Thanking you, Sincerely yours in His Harvest, Dil Bahadur Tamang

Sunday, July 15, 2012

activities included in training

Besides classes in the classroom, the students are given opportunities to grow in various aspects of life. Here are some of the extra activities included in the training: Fasting Prayer On each last Friday of the month, all the students and staff spend the whole day in prayer and fasting. Indeed, some of the students fast for 40 days, having one light meal in the evening while continuing classes. It has been really encouraging to see the students growing in intimacy with the Lord Jesus, and not only in the academic exercises. In this way, they maintain both mind and spirit during the training. Bible Reading As per the requirement of the training centre, the students complete a reading of the entire Bible from cover to cover at least once during the training session. As the training centre is named the Bible Training Centre, we try to prioritize and help students learn the Bible more than any other subject. Of course, we include other subjects, such as the Major Religions, Church History, Leadership, strategies of church planting, pastoral care, effective preaching, and so on. We are glad that all our students did complete the reading of the entire Bible at least once within the given time, and some of them read it twice.
Blood Donation As seen in the picture above, two students of the HBTC and the principal donated blood in a campaign initiated by Itram Christian Church on National Democratic Day (19 February). The blood donation campaign was held in partnership with Nepal Red Cross Society and it was our pleasure that HBTC also could take part in it. Bible Verse memorization The students are encouraged and required to memorize selected verses. The students need to memorize about 100 verses of the Bible during this five months. We believe the memorization of Scripture helps on many occasions. Outreach experience As in previous batches, the students of this session were sent for outreach experience for two weeks (May 20- June 1) to four different places of Surkhet and Dailekh districts. The first group comprised four members and the cook and went to Battichour (Surkhet) and Khadgawada (Dailekh). This group managed to start a new fellowship group at Khadgawada with 6 new believers. Let us pray that they would grow in their faith in the future. Another group was sent to help the newly planted Baptist church in Birendranagar. They participated in the city sanitation campaign as well, and shared the good news to many people, with one man starting to attend church. The third and the fourth group were sent to help the church in Malarani and also Smarna church in Birendranagar. Altogether more than 2,000 Gospel tracts were distributed, and they shared the Good news with the help of singing and testimony. Altogether 150 New Testaments were distributed and 9 people believed in the Lord. Meanwhile, HBTC national director Dil reports from his recent work in Bhutan, for many years a closed and hard to reach nation. Jaimashih. I am still in Thimphu Bhutan training 25 grassroots church planters. I am glad that I could have email access here in Thimphu as well. I have requested pastor Suresh, the principal and pastor Yam, the director to communicate with you now on, so that we all would grow in communication skills and also in leadership. However, I will be available, whenever it is needed. It has been my prayer and effort to get my colleagues to grow in every aspect of life and ministry, so that this work would continue even if I am gone one day. Thank you once again for all you have been doing. In His harvest, Dil, Thimphu, Bhutan. Next month, we have news of the successful graduation ceremony for this session. Meanwhile, please pray for the upcoming 12th session beginning July 16, 2012. 'Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful...that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ' (Colossians 4:2-3) Yours in Him, Rod.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

11th session Student individual biography

1. Name: Mr. Rajendra Rana Magar
Age : 28 yrs Church : Bethel Church, Surkhet Address: Sahartara V.D.C.-7 Tuppatara, Dolpa District Midwest region, Nepal. Conversion story My name is Rajendra Rana Magar. I come from the remote Dolpa District in Karnali zone. I was born and brought up in a strong Buddhist family. I could complete the study of class five only at a local primary school and went to the District headquarters to continue my school education. However, I could not continue my studies, because of the poverty of my parents. I was disappointed a bit and left my home and came to Surkhet hoping to find a job. I was hunting for job and could not find one. In order to survive, I joined a hard working labor team. While working at one house, the landlord cared for me so much and I was really impressed by him. And he took me one day to the church. I liked it and accepted Jesus Christ as the LORD in my life and have continued to go to that church. My wife also accepted Jesus and went to the church. Later the church appointed me to work in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. The church decided to send me to this training centre to be better equipped for the future ministry and the pastor wants to send me to serve the Lord in my village back in Dolpa District after this training. Thank you for your prayers for us and will appreciate your special prayers for me as I plan to go back home in Dolpa at Tibetan border after the completion of the training and plant the churches there which is not easy. 2. Name: Ram Bhadur B K
Age : 34 yrs Church : Bethel Church, Salghari Surkhet Address: Lekhparajul V.D.C.- 1 Salghari Surkhet district Midwest region, Nepal Conversion story My family lives on the bank of the Bheri river. They were all Hindus. Because of poverty I could not continue school education after the eighth grade. I needed to work, so I went to India and spend four years in Hariyana. I came back to join the Maoist Army during the Peoples War. I served five years in their army before returning to India as a laborer. Because of my father becoming very ill, I returned to Nepal. My father was completely healed when he went to a church and after that I believed in Jesus as LORD in my life. Now my whole family, including my wife, have accepted Jesus and go to church. Although our family life is up and down because of poverty we continue to go to church. My church sent me to this training in HBTC. After this training I want to serve in Salghari village on the bank of the Bheri river. 3. Name: Durga Bahadur Pun Magar
Age : 31 yrs Church : Itram Christya Church, Surkhet Address : Khadkawada V.D.C.- 8 Deugau Dailekh District Mid- west region, Nepal Conversion story I come from the remote district of Dailekh. My family are Magar, living a simple agricultural life on a hillside. My parents work in the fields. I was not able to pass my school education so I went to India and searched for work but could not earn enough money. I returned to my village. Through a manpower agency I was able to go to Malaysia and work at a furniture company. While in Malaysia I heard my wife back in my village was suffering from a disease. I was also sick with a skin tumor. Due to all this I felt very sad. In September 2007 my friend brought me to a church in Malaysia. There I learned about Jesus and continued to go to church. I liked it and accepted Jesus as LORD in my life. In my village there is no church. I want to start a church in Khadkawada V.D.C. after this training. Please pray for me. 4. Name: Kabita Roka
Age :23 yrs Church : Smarna Church,Latikoili Surkhet Address : Latikoili V.D.C.- 9 Budabudi Surkhet district Mid- west region, Nepal Conversion story I am Kabita. I was born and brought up in West Bangal, India, in a Hindu background. I came from a poor family and was not able to recieve a good education. I could not continue my education past grade 10. At the age of 15 I found work in an office as a laborer. I had no peace in my heart and because of my anxiety I worshipped many gods. This did not satisfy my heart so after that I left behind all my Hindu customs. My friend was Christian her Younger sister called to me church. When I went their pastor preached parable of seed I like it and accept Jesus as LORD. After that I continued to go to church. . Nowadays I am a Sunday school teacher and leader of my church. Now my pastor sent me to this training .After this training I want to start orphaned to care who were helpless children. 5. Name: Janaki Gagatraj
Age : 30 yrs Church : Smarna Church,Latikoili Surkhet Address : Jarbuta V.D.C.- 1 Barrakuna Dhulabit Surkhet District Mid- west region, Nepal Conversion story My name is Janaki I am come from remote area of Surkhet District. My family background is Hindu I born and brought up at same customs. In My school when I was seven class got marriage. I left my fathers house and went at surkhet .I have suffer as stomach problem's visit so many doctor but could not healed. My nice is Christian she called to me church. When I went to Church after prayer slowly I was healed. I continued to go to church my church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve with my church women group in my village. Please pray for me. 6. Name : Pream Nepali
Age: 28 yrs Church L Living BaptistI Church, Itaram Surkhet Address : Birendranagar Municipality- 8, Surkhet District, Mid-west region, Nepal Conversion story I am come from Dailekh District. My family background is Hindu at the age of child I could involve ritual thing. Be cause of my friend I involve bad company. I joined moust war as a youth force I serve four years their and because of my sickness stay at home. When I went hospital but doctor say that my liver is damage. They send back to my home I have no hope in my life. I came back to my house and count my days. When my elder brother visits me he sends to Church. When church people preyed I was hilled and I believed Jesus as LORD in my life. I marriage with Chhaya and went India and spend in their as a worker at Himanchal. We start gospel preaching and start a new church now this church is running .I appointed one local leader in this church and come back to Nepal my church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve with my church. Please pray for me. 7. Name: Chhaya Nepali
Age : 28 yrs Church : Living Baptist Church, Itaram Surkhet Address : Birendranagar Municipality- 8, Surkhet District, Mid-west region, Nepal Conversion story I am Chhaya I come from Chisapani Surkhet. My family background is Hindu I brought up at same custom was suffer from a sickness at the childhood. Because of illness I could not continue school education more then eight. at that time one Christian ladies come to my house and share about Jesus healed your prob.lem After that I went Church. When Church people prey for me I was completely hilled after that I believed Jesus as LORD in my life. I marriage with pream and went India and spend in their as a worker at Himanchal. We start gospel preaching and start a new church now this church is running .I come back to India my church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve with my church. Please pray for me. 8. Name: Karna Bhadur Kharu
Age : 18 yrs Church : Mahima Joti Church,Neta Surkhet Address: Neta V.D.C.- 7 Pude pamka Surkhet District Mid- west region, Nepal Conversion story My name is Karna I am come from remote area of surkhet District. My family background is Hindut I born and brought up at same customs. I ````````` was suffer from a sickness at the childhood. Because of like paralyze I could not move always lay down in bade. My father admit me to local hospital they referred to me big hospital. I went there but did not improve. I came back to my house and went to church. When I started to go to church my life is slowly began to recover! I went to school, but because of my sickness I could not pass the School education more then eight. Because of poverty I could not continue my study. My whole family accepted Jesus and went to church. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve in my village church. Please pray for me. 9. Name: Suman Pun Magar
Age : 21yrs Church : Bethel Church,Dah Malarani Address : Malarani V.D.C.-5 Tusharepani Surkhet district, Mid- west region, Nepal Conversion story I am come from Magar orthodux Hindu trivet. Because of poverty my family environment is not good. At the age of 19 because of my friends I went to the church after that I believed Jesus as LORD in my life. But my family could not accept me as a Christian because of that my life is bitter they reject me. I continue to go to church and learn more about Jesus, I am a single believer of my family. My life is up and down but I continue to go to church. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve in my village church.