Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Proposal for Land for the Training Centre

"… to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the Body of Christ.” (Ephe 4:12) Honourable Partners, Loving greetings from Nepal. The First and the foremost, let me express our collective gratitude to you for your sincere prayers and faithful partnership with us all these years in the ministry of training, equipping and empowering the grass roots leaders of this fertile soil to Lead, Feed and Protect the flocks and Plant new churches in this land of temples. You, our honourable vision conjuring partners deserve our appreciation in this endeavor. I am sure that it would not have been possible for us to carry on this vision, had you not been our friend, partner and benefactor. Let me now share with you about the burning need of partnership in buying a piece of land for the residential training centre in Surkhet, Mid-west Nepal. Brief Preamble of HBTC. Himalayan Bible Training Centre, Surkhet, Mid-west Nepal, HBTC hereafter was established on Feb, 13, 2007 and runs Five Month Residential Bible/Leadership training for the underprivileged, grassroots leaders and the church planters in Nepal. The HBTC is a residential Bible/Leadership training centre of Himalayan Bible Study Academy established on January 2, 2002, a non denominational and interdenominational ministry, also a registered ministry with the government of Nepal and have been alma mater for many grassroots leaders and has have trained 179 leaders in the consecutive 12 sessions. Our joys find no boundary to get reports of tremendous success of church planting by our alumni. Only in the last fiscal year, 56 new churches were planted by our alumni according to the reports we received and all glory to God Almighty. Need of a plot of land to construct our own building. In the last 11 years of ministry across the country, we have been focusing on building the PEOPLE and our priority had never been on Building the infrastructures. Our PURPOSE was distinct i.e. to train and equip the leaders to be more effective & multiplying leaders and the church planters to plant the new churches in inaccessible places of Nepal, God has generously granted us the PEOPLE i.e. both the benefactors and the beneficiaries as you have noticed, and we have been doing the PROGRAMS and never had priority on owning PROPERTY. As it is obvious that the challenges have grown, as the ministry grows and continuing the residential training in a rented house has become difficult. As per the demand of the time and need of the village churches in the mid-west and the far-west Nepal, we are now convicted that our training program has to be upgraded into a Year Bible school which requires a proper management in our own infrastructure. We therefore have been seeking for some like-minded friends to give us Heart, Head and Hand in this challenging effort of buying a plot of land first and then start the construction of buildings in different phases. Here I go with some brief information about the proposed land-purchasing plans. Details of the Project: The proposed area of the land: In the valley of Surkhet, but somewhere 2-3 kilometers away from the main city. The area of the land: 2 Ropani according to the local unit measurement i.e. 10,952 square feet with road access. Estimated cost of the land : NPR. 17,00,000.00 equivalent with GBP 12,319.00 Projected dateline to complete the project: Within next 15 months i.e. by Dec 31, 2013. Ownership of the land : The land will be registered in the name of Himalayan Bible Study Academy, as a Registered organization with the government of Nepal. Usage of the land: Building for our One Year Residential Bible School and short term occasional training programmes. The building of proposed One year Bible School (Jan 2013) will be constructed in the land and some short term seminars and conferences could be held in the premises. “Now to Him, who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.” (Eph 3:20) I am sure that this project shall be incomplete without your prayers and partnership. Let me, therefore covet your sincere prayers and spontaneous investment in it for the extension of His kingdom here in Nepal. Thanking and looking forward to a stronger partnership with you in this endeavor, -------------------------------- Dil Bahadur Tamang President, Himalayan Bible Study Academy, (Govt. Reg. No. 1331) Kathmandu, Nepal. Picture sketch of the Proposed buildings of HBTC Surkhet. Building No. 4: Kitchen and Dinning for about 30 people Building No. 3 : 6 Rooms, one room as meeting room and 5 rooms for 10 Female students on 2x2 sharing basis Building No. 2 : Principal’s Quarters Building No. 1 : Main building containing 18 rooms, 10 rooms for Men’s hostel on 2x2 sharing basis, offices, library, Guest Room and Class room so on.

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