Sunday, November 18, 2012

Biographies for the 12th Batch of Students

Himalayan Bible Training Centre, Surkhet Biographies for the 12th Batch of Students Hira Darlami Magar Age: 20 yrs Christya Church Karekhola, Surkhet Address: Jarbuta V.D.C.- 6 Lamidada, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I am Hira. I come from a remote area of the Surkhet valley. My family is from the Magar people group, living a simple agricultural life on a hillside. My parents work in the fields. I was able to complete Grade 12. One day I climbed up a tree and fell down on the ground and could not move. My father admitted me to the local hospital. After that I was healed. Later, because of alcohol consumption, my father becoming very ill and was admitted to the local hospital. He was not healed and he came back home. One Christian lady came to my house and shared about Jesus. When church people prayed for my father he was completely healed. Then I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. After that I continued to go to church. Now my pastor has sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve as a youth group leader. Please pray for me. 2. Name: Sunita Tamrakar Age: 22 yrs Asis Church, Chhayoda Dadeldhura Address: Amargadi Municipality-6, Chhayoda, Dadeldhura District, Far-West region, Nepal Conversion story I am Sunita. I was born and brought up in Dadeldhura, with a Hindu background. I came from a poor family. My father and elder brother went to India and searched for work and then sent money for us to live. I continued my education until Grade 10. When I was a child my mother passed away. I stayed with my elder sister once she got married. I felt alone. I had no peace in my heart and because of my situation I worshipped many gods. This did not satisfy my heart so I left behind all my Hindu customs. My friend was suffering with an evil spirit. A pastor was called and with prayer she was slowly healed. When I saw that I liked it and accepted Jesus as LORD. After that I continued to go to church. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve at my church in my village in the women's group. 3. Name: Tej Tamrakar Age: 25 yrs Asis Church, Chhayoda Dadeldhura Address: Amargadi Municipality-6, Chhayoda Dadeldhura District, Far-West region, Nepal Conversion story My name is Tej. I am come from a remote area of Dadeldhura. My family background is Hindu. I born and brought up with these same customs. When I was 12 years old bad friends influenced me and so when I was in Grade 7 I left school. One time I entered a Hindu temple and was possessed by an evil spirit. I was fearful and because of this problem I visited many mediums but could not be healed. My situation grew worse day by day. My friend was a Christian and he invited me to church. When I went to church I was slowly healed through prayer. I continued to go to church. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve with my church youth group in my village. Please pray for me. 4. Name: Gagabir Bath Age: 28 yrs Jyoti Prasamsha Church, Jugar Rolpa Address: Budagau V.D.C.- 5, Simpani, Rolpa District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I come from Rolpa District. My family is large and poor and of Magar background. From a young age I was involved in rituals. Because of my friends I became mixed up with bad company. I attended drunken parties. Because of my wickedness I was unable to serve my family. 9 years ago I went to Katmandu and worked at a brick factory. At that time a Christian leader come to my workplace and shared about Jesus. After that I went church. When church people prayed for me I was completely freed from my bad habit and I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. Nowadays,in my village, there is a new church. I serve as a leader in this church. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve with my church in the remote area of Rolpa. 5. Name: Kamal Soni Age: 20 yrs Neware Christya Church, Surkhet Address: Birendranagar Municipality- 1, Gagret Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I was born and brought up in Aalaya Chaur, Surkhet. My family background is Christian. I brought up with Christian values and customs, but I had an up-and-down lifestyle. Because of poverty my father always drinks alcohol. I could not continue school education past tenth grade. At that time I went to a Christian seminar and learnt that Jesus can heal your family's problems. After that I went church. When church people prayed for me I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. I continue to go to church. My church sent me to this training at the HBTC. After this training I want to serve in Gagret village in Surkhet. 6. Name: Jit Bhadur Budha Chhetri Age: 23 yrs Bheri Christya Church, Surkhet Address: Latikoili V.D.C.- 5, Beri Breze, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story My name is Jit. I come from the bank of the Bheri River. My father was the priest at the Hindu Temple. Because of poverty I could not continue school education past fifth grade. I needed to work so I went to India and spent 20 months there. As I was coming back a thief stole all my money. My mother become very ill, her body was always shaking. My grandmother was a Christian. She called church people and they prayed for my mother. Then she went to a church and after that she believed in Jesus as LORD. I also believed. Now my whole family, including my father, has accepted Jesus and goes to church. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve in my village on the bank of the Bheri River. Please pray for me. 7. Name: Bir Bhadur Wali Age: 56 yrs Anugra Church,Chepang Address: Kunathari Chepang V.D.C.-1Bheri Kinar, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I come from a Chhetri, orthodox Hindu background. From a small age I worked in the fields. At the age of 18 I joined the Nepali armed police force. After 22 years I retired and worked at home. I was suffering from a sickness at that time. Because of that I could not work and just lay in bed. I went to the local hospital and they referred to me a bigger hospital. I went there but did not improve. I came back to my house and went to church. When I started to go to church I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. Now my family, including my wife, has accepted Jesus and goes to church. But my two sons could not accept Jesus. I continue to go to church and learn more about Jesus. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve in my Chepang village church. 8. Name: Hikmat Bahadur Gharti Magar Age: 26 yrs Bethel Church, Surkhet Address: Lekparajul V.D.C.- 2, Basari, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story My name is Hikmat. I come from a remote area of the Surkhet District. My family's religious background is Hindu. I was born and brought up according to Hindu customs. In my V.D.C. there is a primary school. Because of poverty I could not go to school. At the age of 18 I got married and we had a child. After that my wife was suffering from a sickness. Because of that she could not work and just lay in bed. We treated her at home but it did not work and so then we took her to a big hospital but she did not improve. We came back home. My aunty is a Christian and she invited me to church. When we went to church my wife was slowly healed through prayer. We continued to go to church. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve with my church in my village. Please pray for me. 9. Name: Lalbir B.K. Age: 17 yrs Bethel Church, Salghaei Surkhet Address: Lekhparajul V.D.C.- 1, Salghari, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I am Lalbir. My family lives on the bank of the Bheri River. They were all Hindu. Because of poverty I could not continue my school education past eighth grade. When I was 14 I became mixed up in bad company. For that reason I began to suffer from chest pain and became very ill. My father admitted me to the local hospital. I went there but did not improve. At that time one Christian lady came to my house and shared that Jesus could heal. After that I went to church. When church people prayed for me I was completely healed and I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. Now my whole family has accepted Jesus and goes to church. My church sent me to this training at the HBTC. After this training I want to serve in Salghari village on the bank of the Bheri River. 10. Name: Moti Prasad B.K. Age: 23 yrs Penticost Church, Gumi, Surkhet Address: Gumi V.D.C.- 7, Bisalchook, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I come from a remote area of Surkhet. My family lives a simple agricultural life on a hillside. My parents work in the fields. Because of my mother's sickness I was not able to go to school so I went to India and searched for work but could not earn enough money. After many months of hard labor I sent money and mother was admitted to hospital. Sometime later I returned to my village. When a leader visited me he invited me to church. When church people prayed for my mother she was healed and I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. I learned about Jesus and continued to go to church. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve in my village church. Please pray for me. 11. Name: Honok Bahadur Rawal Age: 30 yrs Anugra Christya Church, Chiuribaj Kailali Address: Pathria V.D.C.- 8, Khairafat, Kailali District, Far-West region, Nepal Conversion story I am Honok Bhadur Rawal. I was born and brought up in the border area of the western terai, with a Hindu background. I came from a family where alcohol was made. From a young age I learned to drink and smoke and fight. I could not continue my education beyond third class. At the age of 13 I left home and went to India. I spent thirteen years there in Jujrath. I came back home, but then returned to India where I worked for five years as a laborer. While working at a house my friend invited me to church. I liked it and accepted Jesus as LORD of my life and have continued to go to church. My life still is slowly changing. My wife also accepted Jesus and went to church. The church has also sent me to this training at HBTC. After this training I want to serve in my village church. Please pray for me. 12. Name: Janaki B.K. Age: 19 yrs Neware Christya Church, Surkhet Address: Birendranagar Municipality- 12, Neware, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story My name is Janaki. I come from the eastern part of the Surkhet Valley. My family background is Hindu and I was brought up with these customs. I passed all the school grades. I left my father's house and stayed in my mother's father's house. My grandfather became a Christian and he invited me to church. When I went to church I liked it and continued to go to church. At church I learnt more about Jesus. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve with my church, ministering to women in my area. 13. Name: Eklal B.K. Age: 43 yrs Asis Church, Dhodekhal Surkhet Address: Birendranagar Municipality- 1, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I come from Dhodekhali, Surkhet. My family background is Hindu and from a young age I was involved in rituals. Because of poverty I could not receive a school education. I needed to work so I went to India and spent some years there. I came back and worked in construction. I was suffering from a sickness at the time. Because of paralysis I could not move and I always lay in bed. My wife admitted me to the local hospital and they referred to me a big hospital in Kathmandu. I went there but did not improve. The doctor said to me "You have cancer. You will only live for six more months". They sent me back home. I had no hope in my life. I came back to my house and began to count my days. When I started to go to church my life slowly improved. When church people prayed I was healed and I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. Now my church has appointed me as a church leader. My church sent me to this training. After this training I want to serve with my church. 14. Name: Hira Singh Sarki Age: 28 yrs Siwan Aradhana Church, Kalyan Surkhet Address: Kalyan V.D.C.- 5 Hile Shota, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story I am Hira. I come from Kalyan, Surkhet. My family background is Hindu and I was brought up with these customs. I suffered from a sickness during my childhood. Because of my illness my father did many things to try and help me. At last one Christian leader came to my house and shared that Jesus heals your problems. After that I went church. When church people prayed for me I was completely healed and we accepted Jesus as LORD of our lives. Because of physical weakness I could not continue school more than seventh grade. Now my whole family, including my wife, has accepted Jesus and goes to church. Although our family life is up and down because of poverty we continue to go to church. My church sent me to this training at the HBTC. After this training I want to serve in Hilesota village in Surkhet. Please pray for me. 15. Name: Dev Sunar Age: 21 yrs Gaigatha Church, Taratal Bardia Address: Sanoshree V.D.C.-1, Bargau Coliaroad Bardia District, Mid-West Region, Nepal Conversion story My name is Dev. I come from an area near the border between India and Nepal, the Bardia District. My family background is Hindu and I was brought up with these customs. My family is large, living a simple agricultural life on the Terai. My parents work in the fields. I was not able to pass my school education so I went to India and searched for work but could not earn enough money. I returned to my village. Through a manpower agency I was able to go to Malaysia and work at a furniture company. While in Malaysia I heard that my wife, back in my village, married somebody else. I felt sad and come home, sick with depression. Due to all this I felt very sad. My friend brought me to church. There I learned about Jesus and continued to go to church. I liked it and accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. In my village there are no leaders of the church. I want to lead my church after this training. Please pray for me. 16. Name: Gopal B.K. Age: 18yrs Gaigatha Church, Taratal Bardia Address: Sanoshree V.D.C.-1, Bargau Coliaroad Bardia District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story My name is Gopal. I come from an area near the border between India and Nepal, the the Bardia District. My family background is Hindu and I was brought with these customs. My family is large, living a simple agricultural life on a Terai. My parents work in the fields. I was not able to study beyond eighth grade at school. Because of my friends I became involved with bad company. I attended drunken parties. Because of my wickedness I was unable to serve my family. At that time one Christian leader came to my house and shared about Jesus. After that I went church. When church people prayed for me I was completely freed from my bad habit and after that I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. In my village there is no leader in the church. After this training I want to serve in my village church. 17. Name: Shankar Sarki Age: 32 yrs Siwan Aradhana Church, Kalyan Surkhet Address: Kalyan V.D.C.- 5, Hile Shota, Surkhet District, Mid-West region, Nepal Conversion story My family lives on the bank of the Bheri River. They were all Hindu. Because of poverty I could not continue my school education past eighth grade. I needed to work so I went to India and spent four years there in Hariyana. I came back to join the Maoist Army during the People's War. I served five years in their army before returning to India as a laborer. Because of my father becoming very ill I returned to Nepal. My father was completely healed when he went to a church and after that I accepted Jesus as LORD of my life. Now my whole family, including my wife, has accepted Jesus and goes to church. Although our family life is up and down because of poverty we continue to go to church. My church sent me to this training at the HBTC. After this training I want to serve in Salghari village on the bank of the Bheri River.

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