Tuesday, April 7, 2009

news from Dil

Greetings from Nepal.

Thank you for your patience in hearing from us. James Tamang, Samuel and I had been away in Salyan district, upper midwest Nepal to hold a leadership seminar and had a productive time together. We met elder Tanka Bahadur BK of Salyan, the first batch participant and I am glad to report that he is doing fine, bearing much fruit in the field.

We do not have adequate words to thank you enough for your faithful parternership in the Gospel. We understand that fund raising has been a difficult task in this global economic crisis. And sadly, we are not unaffected by the global economic crisis by the way. Nevertheless, we proceed forward TRUSTING THE LORD and will apprciate your continuing assisitance for this divine purpose.

Owing you a lot, Dil, Nepal.

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