Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fifth Batch 2009

Warm greetings from HBTC Surkhet
By the grace of God we all are having a blessed time here so far. We the Surkhet HBTC family hopes in God that you, your loving family and your ministry is fine. We once again would like to thank you all for your fervent prayer, encouragement and financial support even in the worst global financial crisis. We are grateful and thankful to God for all his heavenly provisions so far. We hope and pray that God would continue this for his glory and extension of his kingdom here in Surkhet.

Our 4th batch students have involved themselves in God's ministry and they have become a blessing and inspiration for believers and local churches. Again by the grace of God, we have started our 5th batch from 19th January 2009 with 13 students from various districts and denominations. We are glad to inform you that in 5th batch there are 7 female and 6 male. All are quite enthusiastic to learn God's words and to serve Him after the completion of this 5 months course. By the grace of God, rests of other things are fine and I will keep updating all our happenings to you for your prayer. I have jotted down some thanksgiving points and prayer points below for your prayer-

Some thanksgiving points:
 We are thankful to God for His faithful financial resources for this 4th batch that we could manage all our expenses.
 We are thankful to you all for your financial support, meaningful prayer, encouragement and loving concerns toward HBTC Surkhet.
 We are thankful to our visiting teachers and pastors for their meaningful times given here for teaching our participants.
 We are thankful to Surkhet valley churches, all the pastors, seen and unseen prayer partners, INF Surkhet, Campus Crusade for Christ, YWAM for their fervent prayer, concern and support for the betterment of our training center.
 We are thankful to God for providing a desk top computer, a photocopy machine, a television and furniture set for HBTC training. All these items have been a blessing for HBTC Surkhet.
 We are grateful and thankful to God for like minded, supportive and co-operative Nepal loving friend like you to support this training center.

Some prayer points:
 Please do pray for 5th batch students that they can complete this course in a fruitful manner.
 Please do pray for HBTC'S financial support.
 Please do pray for a digital camera. It would be a great help for making reports and easy photographs.
 Please do pray for an audio video deck also. We have already a television and it would be a great help for audio video classes.
 Please do pray for our alumnus and their ministry, family and needs.

Lastly once again we would like to thank and appreciate your loving concern and support toward Himalayan Bible Training Center Surkhet. We love you and pray you all the time. May our mighty and loving God bless you, your family and ministry and make you a great channel of blessings for many. Thanking you so much.

Yours truly
James Tamang
Principal, Himalayan Bible Training Center

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