Sunday, June 1, 2008

Some glimpses of Surkhet Training Centre.

I was at HBTC Surkhet for three days to perform some administrative works with the Chief District Officer's office in order to get the governmental approval as a branch ministry of Himalayan Bible Study Academy. I am glad to inform you that almost 90 % works have been done so far and we will be approved after some investigations done by the government authorities.

Every one there is doing fine and the local board has been very helpful to the principal to carry on the task of the training centre. We thank you for your faithful partnership and investment in the lives of the grass roots leaders of the Midwest and the farwest Nepal. My joys find no boundary that every participant of this session has completed reading the entire Bible at least once, some have done even twice which is one of the requirements of the fulfillment of the course for five months. The Lord has been faithful to us thus far and believe He remains the same in the days ahead too. Regardless of the adverse situation politically, we have made it and are preparing to conclude the 3rd session on the 15th of June. We will up date you more later and thank you for your faithful partnership in the Gospel.

Sincerely yours,

Dil Bahadur Tamang
Kathmandu, Nepal.

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