Sunday, June 1, 2008

19 May 2008 Some reports from Surkhet.

Greetings from Nepal.

It has been some weeks, since I wrote to you. I was in Surkhet and please see some pictures I took during my stay there.

Let me also remind you of the MOU for the period of July 08-June 09. We do not have adequate words to thank you enough for the faithful partnership with us to continue this challenging ministry. As I looked back the year, God was really faithful to us. I will appreciate you help me get the MOU on time so that we could approch the Social Welfare Counsil and get the programmes approved for this fiscal year i. e. July 08- June 09. Please try to mention a bigger amount, as it was a bit difficult last year to convince the authorties, since only pounds 2000 was writen in the MOU. We are optimistic that our honourable partners will contribute more than what we received last year. As the MOU is the approximate agreement, a bigger amount could be written. We owe you a lot for your kind cooperation with us and glory to God. Thanking you and lookwing forward to seeing his Kingdom being extended in this land of temples.,

Yours in His Harvest,
Dil bahadur Tamang.

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