Saturday, December 4, 2010

Eighth batch report

Honorable Dr. Rod
Warmest greetings from Surkhet.
First of all I extremely apologize for being so late to write back to you. We as a Himalayan Bible Training Center family here in Surkeht are fine and doing well what the Lord has been entrusted us for his glory. Thank you Dr. Rod and entire team for your prayers and supports.
You may know that in 8th batch there were 13 students but one of them could not continue and now 12 are there. All of them are enthusiastic and have learning and serving heart. Their courses have almost finished and this batch onwards students are going to outreach for 15 days. We believe that this outreach will be beneficial to both our students and local Churches. They left out on 21st Nov 2010 and will be back on 5th Dec 2010. We appreciate your prayers for this 2 weeks outreach program.
Lastly, I would like to inform you as our will wisher for your prayer that our family will be shifting Kathmandu by next January in the same organization and same post. In my place ( as our kathmandu board informed me) one of our colleague's family will be coming. Please pray for this transition period also.

Yours truly
James Tamang
HBTC, Surkhet
I have sent 8th batch student's short testimony, learnt things and future planning to you for your prayers which are as following-
1. Name – Nar Bahadur Pariyar
2. Church & district – Grace vision Church, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: I was born and brought up in a Hindu family. We were idol worshippers. My mum & dad passed away in a short time gap and then I felt loneliness in my life. My cousins without my knowledge decided about my marriage and I also agreed with them thinking 'two is better than one' and got married. After marriage I had a sort of peace in my heart. As time went by, my wife started talking about going Church but I opposed her and showed my anger at her. But ultimately because of my wife I started going Church and could receive the Lord Jesus as my savior and redeemer. After receiving the Lord I got peace and joy in my heart. I let my bad company and habits. Now I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. Now we have peace, joy and happiness in our family. To God be all the glory and honor.
4. Learnt lessons: This five month training indeed has changed my life. I praise God for this and thank God that He has brought me here. I could learn many things- now I know what is bible all about, how to preach, what is leadership, how to pray in a meaningful way, what is disciple, spiritual life, Pentateuch and so on…
5. Future plan: After the completion of this course I would like to serve the Lord. I would like to help my pastors and leaders in my church. I would like to commit my life to extend his kingdom at any cost.

1. Name – Sita Chaudhary
2. Church & district – Bethel Church, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: I was also born in Hindu family. By caste I am Chaudahary and we have many festivals and rituals. Our family suffered so much. At that time, only one person from our family was Christian. My marriage was done in the Hindu temple and we followed all the Hindu systems. My daughter born and after three month she fell sick and it was very difficult time to me to bring up my daughter. We spent lot of money for our daughter's treatment and left no stone unturned. By doing all these also we did not see any improvement in my daughter. Ultimately my brother suggested us to go to church and believe in Jesus Christ. We went to Church and we accepted the Lord Jesus as our savior and redeemer. My daughter started recovering slowly and our whole family members believed in Jesus Christ. Now we are happy in Jesus Christ.
4. Learnt lessons: I am thankful to God for bringing me here to learn his living words. I have learnt so many things such as counseling, religions, cults, and women's role in ministry, homiletics, pastor's responsibilities and the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Moreover I could learn of myself. Thank you so much.
5. Future plan: My prayer and desire after this training is to teach and train others what I have learnt during this five month period. I would like to share good news to others those who are poor and lead them to Christ. Thank you so much.

1. Name –Elisha Sunar
2. Church & district –Bethel Church, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: My life was terrible due to my long sickness. Everyday I used to visit witch doctors for my treatment. No one could do anything. I was in total depression. One day one man happened to see my father while he was sharing good news. My father also heard the good news and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. He came to house and shared with us what he had heard from that man. We all believed in Jesus Christ and started going Church. Church leaders prayed for me and the Lord Jesus healed me completely. Praise the Lord! Today we all are happy in our family because Jesus is with us. Thank you.
4. Learnt lessons: I have learnt so many things. I am shaped and molded after coming in this training. I could know the value of Christian life, religions, cults, evangelization, Pentateuch, NT & OT background, basic Christian doctrines, discipleship etc.
5. Future plan: I will teach others what I have learnt here in HBTC.

1. Name –Urmila Nepali
2. Church & district – Bethel Church, Surkeht
3. Short Testimony: I was born in a Hindu family and our entire family members used to worship Hindu god & goddesses all the time. Once I fell sick and to get recovery my parents used to take me to witch doctors. We spent what we had but my sickness was not recovered. Once I heard good news from some of my friends and went to Church. Church leaders and my friends told me that belief in Christ Jesus make you heal. Then I believed in Jesus and accepted the Lord Jesus as my savior and redeemer. The Lord Jesus Christ healed me but still rest of my family members are not yet saved. Please do pray for them. Now I am happy that Jesus Christ is with me and I am saved in his grace.
4. Learnt lessons: I could know and learn how to lead the Church, how to pray in a meaningful way, religions, pastoral responsibilities, Pentateuch, homiletics, discipleship, the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, Christian life, and believer's responsibilities etc.
5. Future plan: First I will try to apply these things in my life and then teach these things in my local churches.

1. Name – Samjhana Gurung
2. Church & district – Bethel Church, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: I was born in a ordinary Buddhist family but brought up in a Hindu culture. At the age of 21, I got an opportunity to receive and know Jesus as my savior and redeemer. My friend played a vital role in it. Before coming to the Lord, I was alone and now got Jesus' true love. My parents did not understand me but my Jesus understood me and got His love. Jesus has been my life, way and truth. Now my life has been changed and been a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Today I am happy and my heart is filled with joy from above.
4. Learnt lessons: I have learnt many things here in HBTC. I could know my duties and responsibilities as a Christian. I could learn how to lead church service, deeper meaning of prayer, OT & NT background, religions and Bible study method, preaching method etc.
5. Future plan: After this course being under the leadership of church committee, I would like to serve the Lord wherever they place me. I will try my level best to apply these lessons in my life and teach others. I would like to work among orphan children and would to lead them to Jesus the savior and redeemer and make them a good disciple of Jesus Christ.

1. Name – Khadka Bdr. Sunar
2. Church & district – Aradhana Church Satakhani, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: I was born in a Hindu family and living in a Hindu manner. I got married at the age of 17. There was financial crisis and lack in our family and struggle was there in our family. Life became worst when I got some mental disorder. I faced so many problems and in 1992 I could know the savior Jesus and received as my master and redeemer. As far I know, our family is the first Christian in our village. Now, there are many Christian and churches in our village. God has been using us for his glory and many new people are adding into his kingdom. Praise the Lord. Today we are happy and peace is in our society, church and family. Thank God.
4. Learnt lessons: What I learnt here is discipleship and its importance. Importance of fellowship and prayer. The major world religion was also very much useful subject and could learn many things out of this subject. Bible study method, homiletics, cults and worship etc.
5. Future plan: My aim and vision after this training is taking gospel to unreached people and groups and helping church in house fellowship. I am glad that God brought me here in HBTC to learn his words.

1. Name – Dilip Gurung
2. Church & district – Grace vision Church, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: I am 20 years old and was born in a Hindu family. My dad used to drink alcohol and suffered us very much. There was no peace and joy in our home. While I was at the age of 3, one sort of unknown disease found in me and caused lot of problems in me. Though my sister and brother-in-law were Christians, I never heard them. Whenever they shared good news to me I normally got angry with them and did not work out. My life was like this and last year Elder Jagat Basyal shared good news to me and I happily accepted the Lord Jesus and my unknown disease disappeared and I am healed now. Now I do not feel loneliness at all. Please pray that my dad also know the Lord as his master and redeemer. Today I am happy and joy is in my heart.
4. Learnt lessons: I could learn many things- some are as following- Discipleship and works that are to be done as a disciple, how to offer a meaningful prayer to God, to lead service, homiletics, pastor's responsibilities, cults and many other spiritual things.
5. Future plan: I would like to serve the Lord in Church being a faithful servant of him. My aim and vision is to work among children and lead them to God's way. Thank you so much.

1. Name – Rishi Tamang
2. Church & district –Kanchanpur
3. Short Testimony: I was born and brought up in a Buddhist family. Besides my family members, I used to attend Church occasionally. Reason behind this was majority of my friends were Christians. I gradually increased the level of church going spirit and my mum strongly opposed me because my mum and dad were against with Christianity and stopped me going church. At this time my dad was in Saudi Arab as a worker. I stopped going Church due to my mom's continuous opposition. After some months my dad came from Saudi Arab and again left for Kathmandu for some special work. My dad lived with my uncle and aunt in Kathmandu and they shared the good news and surprisingly my dad accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. Again he returned home and talked to us saying 'we have to go church'. It was unbelievable. Again I opposed them not to go Church but now they were forcing me to take Church. Lastly we all went Church and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as our savior and redeemer. Now we all Christians and joy and happiness is in our home. Thank God.
4. Learnt lessons: What I have learnt thus far is- I learnt how to pray meaningfully, to lead Church service, how to preach from the pulpit and outside the pulpit, relational thing also, discipleship, value of discipleship, church leader's on..
5. Future plan: I would like to help my pastor as there is a great need of trained leaders in our church, I would like to fully help my pastor in his ministry and further the God's ministry in the far-west Nepal.

1. Name –Suraj Luhar
2. Church & district –Khrist Mahima Church, Kanchanpur
3. Short Testimony: I was born in Hindu family. I was indeed very bad man from my childhood. I had a stomach problem since six years of my age and pain used to repeat once on every month. One day my pastor visited me at my home and shared the good news to me. After hearing this good news a sort of happiness came in me. Then I received Jesus as my savior and redeemer in 2007. My stomach pain gone and by his grace till today I am fine and nothing has happened to me. Thank God for his grace and mercy upon me.
4. Learnt lessons: I have also learnt so many things from this training- prayer, leading the Church service in a meaningful way, homiletics, pastor's responsibilities, cults and religions etc.
5. Future plan: I would like to be a God's servant in my Church and teach others what I have learnt here in HBTC.

1. Name – Prabina Shahi
2. Church & district –Itram Church, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: I was born and brought up in an orthodox Hindu family. I could receive my living God through my mum and for that I am grateful to mum. Not only me, through my mum all my family members have been saved. After receiving Jesus as my savior and redeemer I have been blessed and my life has been changed. Now I am a active member and teaching in Sunday school. Today in our family there is God's joy and peace. Thank God.
4. Learnt lessons: I am really benefited from this training- I could know about God in deeper sense, his living words, Church sacraments, cults, homiletics, discipleship and worship etc.
5. Future plan: First of all I will apply these in my life and teach others too to practice this. I will help our pastors and leaders in their ministries. Would like to take good news to unreached places and groups. Thank you so much.

1. Name – Manu Chaudhary
2. Church & district –Bethel Church, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: I was born in Hindu family. Now I am 21 years old. I had some friends and greatly inspired by their lives. Later I came to know that they were Christians. They used to call me at church if there were any Christian programs. I occasionally used to attend these programs. Slowly I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ and accepted him as my savior in 2008. I feel that my life has been changed and now I am a new creation. I am the only one Christian from my family. So please pray for my other family members that they may receive the Lord and be saved. Thank you
4. Learnt lessons: In God's grace I could learn many things here in Himalayan Bible Training center. Counseling, religions, discipleship, cults, OT, NT backgrounds, homiletics etc.
5. Future plan: I am grateful to God for this opportunity to learn His words here in HBTC. I would like to teach these truths to my friends and believers and would like to take good news to the unreached places where souls are dying with Christ.

1. Name – Arati Pariyar
2. Church & district – Emmnuel Church, Bardiay
3. Short Testimony: I was also born and brought up in a Hindu family. Because of my brother our entire family could know Jesus as our savior and redeemer. Brother was sick and left no stone unturned for his treatment but result was always disappointing. Finally this might be God's plan that my uncle was Christian and through him we heard the gospel and believed in Jesus. We started going Church and my brother got healed and now there is peace and joy in our family. We praise and thank God for this. Thank God.
4. Learnt lessons: I could learn so many things that I am even not able to explain all here. First of all, I would like to thank God for bringing me here in HBTC to learn His living words. First of all I could learn about the Bible, discipleship, its importance, cults, counseling, religions, basic Christian doctrines, sin, salvation, women's role in God's ministry, OT and NT backgrounds etc.
5. Future plan: I would like to teach all what I have learnt here to my Church members and would like to share good news to unreached people in our society. Thank you so much

Friday, July 23, 2010

seventh batch pictures

Seventh batch report (January-June 2010)

Warmest Greetings from Himalayan Bible Training Center (Nepal)!

To God be all the glory and honour for what He has done, wonderfully and faithfully, with HBTC Surkhet thus far. We are exceedingly grateful to you all. Your meaningful prayers, financial support, love, concern and encouragements made it possible for us to go further with HBTC here in Mid-West Nepal. I am sending to you a brief report on the 7th batch graduation for your prayer and thanksgiving.

HBTC 7th batch was started with 13 participants on 22nd January 2010. Students were from various districts, including Jajarkot, Banke, Kailali, Rolpa, Kanchanpur and Surkhet. We thank God from the bottom of our hearts for bringing them here to HBTC to learn His word and mould their lives for God's glory.

1. Students' Activities: Himalayan Bible Training Center Surkhet equips its participants for better future practical ministry by exposing them to various activities. These include the following.

A. Weekend Evangelism: Himalayan Bible Training Center's students go to surrounding villages every Friday, dividing into four or five groups. Through this evangelism, the Lord has given us many souls into His kingdom. An encouraging thing for us is some of those who heard of the gospel from our participants come to local Churches and to our training center to worship God together. To God be all the glory!

We the HBTC Surkhet family have been planning to go outside the valley for evangelism, but because of the lack of financial resourcee we are unable to make this trip to date. Therefore, we urge you all to pray for this to be made possible in the 8th session.

B. Weekly Church service: HBTC students go for weekly services to different local Churches. The reason behind this is to build up the students’ and HBTC's good rapport with local churches. Presently we have sent our students mainly to four local Churches that are in Surkhet valley.

Some of our participants from outside districts receive travelling fares from the local churches where they were assigned to worship. Participants found all the local churches very friendly, supportive and co-operative. In coming batches we would also like to cater for all the valley’s local churches.

C. Fasting prayer: HBTC students fast and pray together at the end of every English month. All of us gather in spirit and spend time with the Lord. Generally we pray for all concerned people, well wishers from many organizations and friends on that day, fully believing that God would answer all our prayers in His own time.

D. Thanksgiving prayer: Likewise HBTC students practice thanksgiving prayer at the end of the Nepali month. On that day we all thank the Lord for His grace, guidance, provision and care. Whenever we meet for this service, we have experienced God's loving presence among us. To God be the glory!

E. Talent Show day: HBTC students perform their hidden talents for God's glory twice in a month on a Wednesday. On that day, all the students get excited preparing to perform their talents, such as Nepali folk dance, folk song, jokes, poetry, drama etc. At this point we come to know perfectly that our God has given all of us different gifts and talents for His glory. No one is without gift and talent. Praise the Lord!

F. HBTC Welfare Fund: From the second batch onwards, HBTC has managed its own small welfare fund. The aim of this fund is to render modest financial help to both graduated students and studying students. The studying students sometimes get sick. Some need pocket money. Sometimes unexpected but unavoidable instant travelling to their homes is necessary due to sickness in their parents, relatives and children. If our graduate friends are financially struggling in their ministry then we also try to render a little help. Indeed it has been so helpful personally to me and our students to help them through this small fund while there is need. Encouragingly, I would like to share that now, the HBTC fund has extra balance. We hope God will keep adding to this fund for His glory in the days ahead too.

G. Reading the entire Bible at least once during the training period: HBTC students ought to finish reading the entire Bible at least once during the five months period. Surprisingly, in some batches they finish three readings. After coming here to HBTC, it becomes a daily habit for our students to read the Bible. Praise the Lord. "After coming here to HBTC, Bible reading has been my regular discipline"- many students say.

H. Memorizing 100 verses during the training period:

All the students memorize at least 100 verses during the five month period. But many students do more than this.

2. How many subjects they could learn during the five months period?

Altogether, students covered a total of 22 subjects in 7th batch.

Graduation day of 7th batch: The graduation day was on 9th June 2010. Our venue was at Khristia Church, Itram. 13 graduating students (5 men & 8 women) were so excited with their invited pastors and guests. We had invited all our executive board members from Surkhet valley Churches and all the visiting teachers too. The program was conducted by James Tamang (Principal). Our chief Guest was Mrs Megan Barker from INF Surkhet. She delivered an exciting message from Acts 1:8, mainly focusing on God's love, challenging all to love each other and serve each other as Jesus did. The opening prayer was offered by Pastor Lalit Gurung (Nava Jivan Church and INF staff). The dedicating prayer for graduating students was offered by Pastor Padam Nepali (Bethel Church, HBTC Surkhet Chairperson). Final vote of thanks was delivered by Rev. Dil Tamang. Altogether there were 90-100 invited guests from more than 14 local churches and many para-church organizations.

3. Praise and thanksgiving points-

1. We praise God for His sufficient grace upon HBTC Surkhet throughout this 7th batch.

2. We praise God for His faithfulness to HBTC Surkhet thus far.

3. We praise God for all the well wishers and like minded friends like you for HBTC Surkhet.

4. We praise God for the co-operative & supportive hands from the local Churches & all the Christian organizations here in Surkhet including INF.

5. We praise God for the successful completion of 7th batch.

6. We thank God for proving us a audio-video device which has made it easy to show videos during classes.

4. Prayer points-

1. Please do pray for 8th batch that will be held from July 18, 2010.

2. Please do pray for coming students that God would send suitable & committed candidates for His service.

3. Please do pray for all the well wishers and donors of HBTC.

4. Please do pray for all the staff and visiting lecturers.

5. Please do pray for its executive board members, that they would lead HBTC in a meaningful way for God's glory.

6. Please do pray for HBTC Surkhet's financial needs. We want to do many things for God's glory but many times due to the lack of finance we are unable to proceed.

7. Please do pray for a digital camera. Without a camera, it has been difficult for me to send photographs and make reports. Please do pray for a LCD projector also.

8. Please do pray for our graduates: their family, challenges, needs and ministry.

Thank you so much. Looking forward to getting your love and prayer in the days ahead too. Yours truly,James & Prabha Tamang, Himalayan Bible Training Center, Birendranagar – 7, Surkhet, Mid-West Nepal.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Seventh intake of students

7th batch group photo

This is 7th batch. Now we have total 13 dear brothers and sisters from various districts and denominations. Brief introduction as follows-
First row from right
1. Mr. Lok Bahadur from Surkhet
2. Mr. Prakash from Surkhet
3. Mr. Parsaram from Rolpa
4. Mr. Purna from Banke
5. Mr. Dil Bahadur from Surkhet
2nd row from right
6. Ms. Samiksha from Jajarkot
7. Mrs. Kaushila from Surkhet
8. Mrs. Chandra from Surkhet
9. Mrs. Sanisara from Surkhet
10. Ms. Kalpana from Kailali
11. Ms. Fulmaya from Kanchanpur
12. Mrs. Manisha from Surkhet
13. Ms. Hema from Surkhet.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Alumni Conference Surkhet, January 2010

We had been praying and talking about this sort of gathering since long time but God had His own timings and this year was indeed God's timing. It was wonderful and there were more than nearly 80 participants from 1st batch to 7th batch. We were greatly encouraged and thrilled by seeing and hearing from our graduates how God has been using and how our training center has been life changing experience to them all. Though we had contacted earlier some of them could not come.
Gathering was started on 18th Jan 2010 and ended on 20th late night. Local board members, local chairperson, local teachers took part in teaching them on various topics and from Kathmandu brother Dil was presented. We felt that get together was quite meaningful and challenging. Moreover, we could teach and pledged the amount more than 77,000.00(Seventy seven thousand) from our students. All the participants were happy and challenged to pledge small amount for God's glory.
Dr. Rod, I have sent some of the student's challenging testimonies along with photographs for your prayers. And please have a look at some of the photo glimpses below-

Where is my photograph friend? Students looking at their photographs on Bethel Church wall.

HBTC Surkhet alumni having session at Bethel Church

How many of you would like to raise your hands to pledge the amount?
Pastor Padam Nepali our HBTC Surkhet chairperson challenging our alumni to raise their hands to pledge the amount.

This is 1st batch participant Sushil Gurung from Surkhet. He now ministers the Lord as a active leader at his church. His Church is one of the branch churches of Itram . HBTC's five months teaching moulded and shaped his live to serve the Lord- he said.

This is Mr. Keshav Thapa from Bethel AOG Church. His previous life was horrible but after receiving the Lord Jesus as his master and savior, now his life has been a blessing and example for many. After the completion of 5 months training from HBTC Surkhet, he started ministering the Lord as a full time minister in Bethel Church. His church is quite big having nearly 1000 believers and he is one of the key leaders. He is thankful to HBTC for its practical and bible oriented teachings. He is the in charge of a ministry called' the way of life' which serves among drug addicts and alcoholic people of this district.

This is Basanti Khuna from far west nepal Kanchanpur. She is from Chaudhary background and is very dedicated and upright woman. She herself donated the land for Church opposite to her home. Her Church is beautiful and she is one of the key leaders of Geti Church Dhangadi. She is thankful to HBTC Surkhet for its teachings.

This is Chinka Chaudhary from Bardiya district. I have something to say about this gentle, sincere and upright man of God. After the completion of this course he appointed as a pastor. Now he has a small flock and church is growing day by day.
What I wanted to say about this gentle man of God is we have student welfare fund at HBTC. By the end of each semester we challenge our participants to contribute at least some amount for welfare fund. Most of our participants contributed but unfortunately at that he hadn't had single pi and pledged only 30 rupees and said when I go home I will send this amount. Time went by but that 30 rupees never returned to HBTC welfare fund. Almost a year later, his daughter all the way from Bardiya to Surkhet spending to and from more than 6-7 hundred rupees came and kept his father's word paying not 30 rupees but 300 hundred rupees. What a sincere man!
He is very much thankful to HBTC. In his working place there is a motorable road but for fellowship he has to travel long distances on foot. He was sharing with us a need of a cycle that cost not more than 4,500 nepali rupees for God's glory. Please do pray for his ministry and family needs.

This man comes from one of the remotest district of Nepal i.e. Rukum district. While he doing his five months course here in Surkhet, he was suffering from TB but God healed him miraculously. Before coming here at HBTC, he had no proper knowledge in God's words but here at HBTC could learn many things. Now he is one of the key leaders in his church and full time minister. His main responsibility is among youth and house fellowship also. Karna is very happy and grateful to God as well as to HBTC.This is elder Jagat Basyal from Grace Vision Church Surkhet. He graduated from Kathmandu HBTC but due to some unavoidable reasons some of those were presented here. He has an excellent gift of evangelization. After the completion of his course he came back to surkhet and actively involved in Church ministry. His son is pastor and he is a elder. Because of passion for evangelization, many daughter churches have been emerged under grace vision Church. We are happy that this man of God Jagat is our advisor for HBTC executive board. He also accepts proudly that without HBTC Kathmandu I would not have been so much influential in evangelization. Thanks a lot to HBTC .

This man comes from Surkhet district and currently has established a new church in a remote village called ghiu pokhari (Surkhet). Without much financial support, he has decided to serve the Lord after the completion of his five months studies.

This is 5th batch photograph and presenting a special song for alumni friends. Most of them are directly or indirectly been a blessing for local Churches. From left Peter Chaudhary, though he has some drastic financial needs I mean he lives by daily wages i.e. menial jobs… I personally visited his house and saw the real needs but I could only saw could not do anything except prayer. He is sincere and upright God fearing man and completed his five months nicely. He is the one who memorized more than 110 bible verses within five months and received discipline reward also. Let's pray for him and his family financial needs. We are praying for him at least 10,000.00(Ten thousand nepali rupees) one time as a help to buy a rickshaw (three wheeler) to support his family at Attariya kanchanpur. Please do pray.
Mr. Noj Malla is also involved in Church ministry and been big blessings for the Church. Like wise all the ladies are also involving in the ministry. Two sisters from right 1st one and 3rd one are from Jajarkot and now they are the one who leads and preaches the word of God on Saturday. To God be the glory and honor!

This man is from Kailali district and wonderful man of God and has a passion for evangelism. Within five months he could share about the gospel with 120 people. Amazing man of God. As paul he says- whoever they are….. telling about Jesus it does not make any difference… he just starts telling of Jesus. After graduation, he involved in ministry and wants to start a new branch church soon.

This is brother Sobharam BK from Dang district. He is a young but learnt so many things from HBTC Surkhet. During five months he suffered too much due to finance and family problem. But God helped him to complete his course. Now he is actively serving the Lord at his own local Church. Let's pray for his family and ministry needs.

Ultimately, inner joy poured out in an action. Rev. Dil dancing with elder Gyan.

Rev. Dil giving a vote of thanks to all the participants at the program.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Alumni conference January 2010

Warm greetings from Surkhet.
On January 18-20, 2010, we have planned to gather all our alumni here in Surkhet to hear from their ministry experiences, challenges and needs. By doing this, we would like to challenge, encourage and empower them by the word of God.
Before this, soon after the graduation me and my wife went for a week long visit to see them in their own places by covering five districts. Journey was exciting….. We personally could meet most of our alumnus but unfortunately we couldn’t meet some due to the political problem and some unavoidable reasons.
We went by a motorbike and journey was adventurous……all of them felt so blessed by our presence that some of our alumnus broke down literally saying-“Am I dreaming”? all the local church leader wholeheartedly welcomed us and thanked for visiting their believers. An encouraging thing to all of us is that most of our alumni have been serving the Lord. Praise be to the Lord!
For this journey, we did not have even a single paisa but proceeded in faith believing that “God will provide resources for good works”. Altogether we spent nearly six thousand rupees and hope and pray that God will provide this amount also.
Likewise, Dr. Rod, for our forthcoming alumni gathering also we have proceeded further in faith. We urge you all for your continuous prayer and financial assistance to help succeed this alumni gathering here in Surkhet. I am looking forward to hearing your encouraging response in this regard. Thanking you.

Yours truly,
James Tamang.

The brief 6th batch report

To God be all the glory and honor for what He has done wonderfully and faithfully to HBTC Surkhet. We are exceedingly grateful to you all also for your fervent prayers, financial support, love, concern and encouragements that made us possible to run HBTC here in Mid-West Nepal. I am sending to you the 6th batch graduation report which is as follows:
6th batch introduction: 6th batch class was started with 17 participants from various churches on 20th July 2009. Students were from various districts. In 6th batch students were from Salyan, Banke, Bardiya, Kailali, Dang and majority were from local District, Surkhet. We thank God from the bottom of our heart for bringing them here in HBTC to learn His words and mould their lives.

(Graduating students with James & Prabha)
1. Students' Activities: Himalayan Bible Training Center Surkhet also tries to equip its participants with various activities for their exposure and better future practical ministry. Some of the activities are as follows-
A. Weekend Evangelism: Himalayan Bible Training Center students go surrounding villages on every Friday by diving into four to five groups as per the total students' number. Through this evangelism the Lord has given us many souls into His kingdom. In 6th batch, one of our student called Gangaram Tiruwa from Kailali alone shared the gospel to 122 people and out of them 5 people accepted the Lord as their Lord and savior. What a wonderful job! We praise God for this and appreciate our student's endeavor for God's kingdom sake. An encouraging thing for us is some of those who heard of the gospel from our participants come to local Churches and our training center to worship God together. To God be the glory! In our 6th batch, we HBTC family had planned to go outside the valley for evangelism but because of the lack of financial resource we could not do that trip. We urge you all to pray to happen this in 7th session.
B. Weekly Church service: HBTC students go for weekly service to different local Churches. Reason behind this is to build up good rapport with local churches and students' exposure too. Presently we have sent our students mainly in four Churches that are situated in Surkhet valley.
Some of our participants from far districts got travelling fair from the local churches where they were assigned to worship. Participants found all the local churches very friendly, supportive and co-operative. In coming batches also we would like to cope with all the valley local churches.

C. Fasting prayer: HBTC students do fasting prayer by the end of every English month. All of us gather in spirit and spend time with the Lord. Generally we pray for all the concerned people, organizations and friends on that day fully believing that God would answer all our prayers in His own time.
D. Thanksgiving prayer: Likewise HBTC students do thanksgiving prayer by the end of Nepali month. On that day we all thank the Lord for His grace, guidance, provision and care. Whenever we meet for this service, we have experienced God's loving presence among us. To God be the glory!
E. Talent Show day: HBTC students perform their hidden talents for God's glory twice in a month on Wednesday. On that day all of them get excited to perform their talents such as Nepali folk dance, folk song, jokes, poetry, drama etc. In the photograph here, students made my wife prabha dance on the last talent show day. At this point we come to know perfectly that our God has given all of us different gifts and talents for His glory. No one is without gift and talent. Praise the Lord!

F. HBTC Welfare Fund: From second batch onwards, HBTC has started its own small welfare fund i.e. called HBTC Surkhet welfare fund. The aim of this FUND is to render small financial help to both graduated students and studying students. The studying students sometimes get sick, they need pocket money, sometimes unexpected but unavoidable travelling to their homes due to the sickness of their parents, relatives and children etc and if our graduated friends are also financially struggling in their ministry we try to render small help. Indeed it has been so helpful personally to me to help them through this small fund while there is need. Encouraging thing that we would like to tell you all is now, HBTC fund has almost Rs.20,000. Hope God will keep adding to this fund for His glory in the days ahead too.
G. Reading entire Bible at least once during the training period: HBTC students ought to finish reading entire Bible at least once during five months period. Surprisingly in some batches they finish thrice also. After coming here in HBTC it becomes habitual for our students to read the Bible all the time. Praise the Lord. "After coming here in HBTC, Bible reading has been my habitual action"- many student say.
2. How many subjects they could learn during the five months period?
Altogether in 6th batch they learned 22 subjects on various topics.

3. Graduation day of 6th batch: The graduation day was on 3rd December 2009. Our venue was at Bethel Church Khajura. 16 graduating students were so excited with their invited pastors and guests. We had invited all our executive board members from Surkhet valley Churches and all the visiting teachers too. The program was conducted by Elder Mohan Phauja from Bethel Church. Our chief Guest was Mr. James Chinnery from INF Surkeht. He himself delivered an exciting message from 2Tim.3:16-17.

Dedication prayer for graduating students was offered by Elder Tikaram Gharti from Nissi Church. Final word of thanks was delivered by Mr. Saroj Magarati from Kathmandu. We HBTC Surkhet family would like to thank Mr. Saroj Magarati for all his valuable advices and service rendered for the betterment of 6th graduation ceremony. Altogether there were 100-120 invited guests including graduating students on 6th batch graduation ceremony.
4. Praise and thanksgiving points-
1. We praise God for His sufficient grace upon HBTC Surkhet throughout this year.
2. We praise God for His faithfulness to HBTC Surkhet thus far.
3. We praise God for all the well wishers and like minded friends like you for HBTC Surkhet.
4. We praise God for the approval of HBTC Surkhet from District administration.
5. We praise God for the co-operative & supportive hands from the local Churches & all the Christian organizations here in Surkhet including INF.
6. We praise God for the successful completion of 6th batch
5. Prayer points-
1. Please do pray for 7th batch that will be held from Februay 2010.
2. Please do pray for coming students so that God would send suitable, committed candidates for His service.
3. Please do pray for all the well wishers and donors of HBTC.
4. Please do pray for all the staffs and visiting teachers of HBTC Surkhet.
5. Please do pray for its executive board members so that they would lead HBTC for God's glory.
6. Please do pray for HBTC Surkhet's financial needs. We want to do many things for God's glory but many a times due to the lack of finance we are unable to do. We urge you all to pray for HBTC"s financial needs.
7. Please do pray for a audio and video deck and digital camera. We have a TV but without this device it has been very difficult to those teachers who come here to teach along with their CDS. Without camera also it has been difficult to send photographs and for making reports also it is very much needed. Please do pray.
8. Please do pray for our alumni visit. I and my wife prabha have planned prayerfully to visit our alumni of far-west and mid-west. It may take a week to cover mainly 5 districts (Kanchanpur, Kailali, Bardiya, Banke and Surkhet). Our purpose behind this is to encourage our alumni and to know their ministries, needs and challenges too. We are travelling by a motor bike. Please do pray for our safety. I do not have any financial resources for this trip but going firmly believing that He would provide for good works.
9. Please do pray for Nepal's political situation.

Thank you so much. Looking forward to getting your love and prayer in the days ahead too.

Yours truly
James Tamang & Prabha Tamang
Himalayan Bible Training Center