Saturday, November 7, 2009

progress in sixth batch

By the grace of God we in the Himalayan Bible Training Center Surkhet family are fine.We would like to thank you all for what you have been doing for the extension of God's kingdom here in Nepal. In this 6th batch we had 17 students but only a few weeks ago, one brother left our Bible School. Unfortunately he had only one and half months to go for his graduation but he could not complete the course. Let's pray for him also. The rest of other things are fine. Now James and Sandra have also arrived and brother James Chinnery has been indeed a great help for us. We are greatful to him also. He is taking class on November 29-30. Lastly, we need your constant prayer for this training center and its needs. Our 6th graduation will be on 3rd Dec. 2009 and we urge you to pray for that day also. Please do pray for Nepal's unstable political situation and its effects ont the entire nation. Thank you so much. In Christ, James Tamang, HBTC, Surkhet.

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