Friday, July 11, 2008

25 May 2008 Pray for Nabin at Itram

Dr. Rod and family in Lord,
Honor greeting from CCIS Nepal.
How are you there? We are praying for you and your life there. We all are fine here in your prayer answer under His grace. Now a days here is starting raining seasion. All fellowship are being blessings. Now a days we are making our 3rd daughter churche fellowship hall for 200 members siting capacity.
Our church is very much thanking with you for your great help and continue pray for us. We do never forget your big contribution and love to our church.
I am making my personal home near by our church. It is 4 rooms foundation. My parent are being old day by day and can not work in remote village so that I have to manage settle for them. Pray for me to complete home. Actually I have not money as need to build it but God will provide me in His grace and who ever would like to me support that will from God. I am not asking money but pray for me how God is inspired you that is my request. I am sharing my personal things to my prayer partner to pray for me. Your prayer will bring blessing in my family. Thank you very much for your touching heart to me. God bless you abandantly.

Nabin from Surkhet.

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