Monday, May 6, 2013

Honourable Dr. Rod and supporters in the UK, Greetings from HBTC Surkhet. It has been quite some time, since I communicated with you and believe this email finds you in sound health. I am glad that Dr. Rod has been circulating the news of HBTC Surkhet on a regular basis and we thank God for the friendship and partnership with us all these years. I am overwhelmed to share with you about the commencement of long awaited One Year programme of HBTC Surkhet with 12 selective participants. We owe you a lot for your fervent prayers and the spontaneous support to us all these years which has meant us much. Please find the group picture of the very first session of One Year Programme of the training centre and will appreciate your continued prayers and financial support to this training ministry and we are optimistic that these men and women will make difference in their respective churches and communities in the future. The Lord has granted us 10 female and 2 male students for this historic training session at HBTC Surkhet. Now on, pastor Yam, the director of HBSA and pastor Suresh, the principal of the training centre will communicate with you on a regualr basis, as I will remain in the field mostly. However, I will try my best to communicate whenever needed. Thanking you once again, Dil

from Andy's vision trip

Just a quick line to say that I was able visit HBTC on my 'INF Vision Trip' visit to Nepal (returned last night) Going on well.