Sunday, April 10, 2011

introduction to new principal

My name is Suresh Prasad Koirala, I am 37 years old, married to Kalpana Koirala (33), with two children, Sambhawana (7) and Kephas (5).

I was born and brought up in a higher cast and very orthodox Hindu family in Dumja, Sindhuli District, in eastern Nepal. The whole of my childhood seemed to be spent doing Hindu rituals and customs. Later, when I started to question these Hindu religious customs, I lost faith and became an atheist.

After my high school education, I moved to Kathmandu for higher education. During my study, I read about Jesus Christ through the Four Spiritual Laws booklet, and accepted Christ as my Lord and Saviour in 1993. When my parents came to know that I had accepted Christ and become a Christian, I was not allowed to enter the family house, and was kicked out of my village. Two years ago my father died, and the villagers rose against me and forced me to do Hindu customs as part of his funeral service. When I refused to obey, they prohibited me from living in that village, even in my own family home.

When attending Church services, I really felt called to follow Christ. I noticed church people were lovely, simple and polite. As time passed, I attended short-term training, which helped me to know more about Jesus. Later, after some years I was given the privilege of taking responsibility for a Church in Dhulikhel (Kabhre District), and also worked with Campus Crusade for Christ for 10 years.

I wanted to be equipped better for ministry as well as in Biblical knowledge. God opened the door for me to study for 3 years for a Bachelor in Theology at Bible College (B.Ed, B.Th.and M.Min). After completing this course, I was ordained as an associate Pastor at Anmol Christian Church, Prayag pokhari, Lalitpur for 4 years.

My vision and calling is to train and build up leaders for the churches in Nepal. I thank God that I have been given the privilege of working with HBSA Nepal, and recently moving to work in HBTC Surkhet with my family.

Lastly, I thank you and your supporters for praying and supporting financially our HBTC Surkhet. We highly appreciate this, and express our gratitude to you and to all the friends who have been continuously partnering with HBSA ministry.

Together, we shall equip, empower and mobilize workers in the vineyard of God.

Please pray for God's grace and protection for the 9th Batch of students, that all of them may able to complete the course successfully. Pray also for our sound health and ministry, for my children and wife's study, and for the next 10th batch, that the right people may apply and be selected for training.

Thanking you, Suresh Prasad Koirala, Principal, HBTC, Surkhet, Mid- West Nepal.

I’m sure you will join me in praying for this family, it is not easy to settle in the west when you are from the east in Nepal. Pray that ‘being rooted and established in love, [they may] grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge’ (Ephesians 3:17-19). Thank you for your support, yours faithfully, Rod.