Saturday, December 4, 2010

Eighth batch report

Honorable Dr. Rod
Warmest greetings from Surkhet.
First of all I extremely apologize for being so late to write back to you. We as a Himalayan Bible Training Center family here in Surkeht are fine and doing well what the Lord has been entrusted us for his glory. Thank you Dr. Rod and entire team for your prayers and supports.
You may know that in 8th batch there were 13 students but one of them could not continue and now 12 are there. All of them are enthusiastic and have learning and serving heart. Their courses have almost finished and this batch onwards students are going to outreach for 15 days. We believe that this outreach will be beneficial to both our students and local Churches. They left out on 21st Nov 2010 and will be back on 5th Dec 2010. We appreciate your prayers for this 2 weeks outreach program.
Lastly, I would like to inform you as our will wisher for your prayer that our family will be shifting Kathmandu by next January in the same organization and same post. In my place ( as our kathmandu board informed me) one of our colleague's family will be coming. Please pray for this transition period also.

Yours truly
James Tamang
HBTC, Surkhet
I have sent 8th batch student's short testimony, learnt things and future planning to you for your prayers which are as following-
1. Name – Nar Bahadur Pariyar
2. Church & district – Grace vision Church, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: I was born and brought up in a Hindu family. We were idol worshippers. My mum & dad passed away in a short time gap and then I felt loneliness in my life. My cousins without my knowledge decided about my marriage and I also agreed with them thinking 'two is better than one' and got married. After marriage I had a sort of peace in my heart. As time went by, my wife started talking about going Church but I opposed her and showed my anger at her. But ultimately because of my wife I started going Church and could receive the Lord Jesus as my savior and redeemer. After receiving the Lord I got peace and joy in my heart. I let my bad company and habits. Now I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. Now we have peace, joy and happiness in our family. To God be all the glory and honor.
4. Learnt lessons: This five month training indeed has changed my life. I praise God for this and thank God that He has brought me here. I could learn many things- now I know what is bible all about, how to preach, what is leadership, how to pray in a meaningful way, what is disciple, spiritual life, Pentateuch and so on…
5. Future plan: After the completion of this course I would like to serve the Lord. I would like to help my pastors and leaders in my church. I would like to commit my life to extend his kingdom at any cost.

1. Name – Sita Chaudhary
2. Church & district – Bethel Church, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: I was also born in Hindu family. By caste I am Chaudahary and we have many festivals and rituals. Our family suffered so much. At that time, only one person from our family was Christian. My marriage was done in the Hindu temple and we followed all the Hindu systems. My daughter born and after three month she fell sick and it was very difficult time to me to bring up my daughter. We spent lot of money for our daughter's treatment and left no stone unturned. By doing all these also we did not see any improvement in my daughter. Ultimately my brother suggested us to go to church and believe in Jesus Christ. We went to Church and we accepted the Lord Jesus as our savior and redeemer. My daughter started recovering slowly and our whole family members believed in Jesus Christ. Now we are happy in Jesus Christ.
4. Learnt lessons: I am thankful to God for bringing me here to learn his living words. I have learnt so many things such as counseling, religions, cults, and women's role in ministry, homiletics, pastor's responsibilities and the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Moreover I could learn of myself. Thank you so much.
5. Future plan: My prayer and desire after this training is to teach and train others what I have learnt during this five month period. I would like to share good news to others those who are poor and lead them to Christ. Thank you so much.

1. Name –Elisha Sunar
2. Church & district –Bethel Church, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: My life was terrible due to my long sickness. Everyday I used to visit witch doctors for my treatment. No one could do anything. I was in total depression. One day one man happened to see my father while he was sharing good news. My father also heard the good news and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. He came to house and shared with us what he had heard from that man. We all believed in Jesus Christ and started going Church. Church leaders prayed for me and the Lord Jesus healed me completely. Praise the Lord! Today we all are happy in our family because Jesus is with us. Thank you.
4. Learnt lessons: I have learnt so many things. I am shaped and molded after coming in this training. I could know the value of Christian life, religions, cults, evangelization, Pentateuch, NT & OT background, basic Christian doctrines, discipleship etc.
5. Future plan: I will teach others what I have learnt here in HBTC.

1. Name –Urmila Nepali
2. Church & district – Bethel Church, Surkeht
3. Short Testimony: I was born in a Hindu family and our entire family members used to worship Hindu god & goddesses all the time. Once I fell sick and to get recovery my parents used to take me to witch doctors. We spent what we had but my sickness was not recovered. Once I heard good news from some of my friends and went to Church. Church leaders and my friends told me that belief in Christ Jesus make you heal. Then I believed in Jesus and accepted the Lord Jesus as my savior and redeemer. The Lord Jesus Christ healed me but still rest of my family members are not yet saved. Please do pray for them. Now I am happy that Jesus Christ is with me and I am saved in his grace.
4. Learnt lessons: I could know and learn how to lead the Church, how to pray in a meaningful way, religions, pastoral responsibilities, Pentateuch, homiletics, discipleship, the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, Christian life, and believer's responsibilities etc.
5. Future plan: First I will try to apply these things in my life and then teach these things in my local churches.

1. Name – Samjhana Gurung
2. Church & district – Bethel Church, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: I was born in a ordinary Buddhist family but brought up in a Hindu culture. At the age of 21, I got an opportunity to receive and know Jesus as my savior and redeemer. My friend played a vital role in it. Before coming to the Lord, I was alone and now got Jesus' true love. My parents did not understand me but my Jesus understood me and got His love. Jesus has been my life, way and truth. Now my life has been changed and been a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Today I am happy and my heart is filled with joy from above.
4. Learnt lessons: I have learnt many things here in HBTC. I could know my duties and responsibilities as a Christian. I could learn how to lead church service, deeper meaning of prayer, OT & NT background, religions and Bible study method, preaching method etc.
5. Future plan: After this course being under the leadership of church committee, I would like to serve the Lord wherever they place me. I will try my level best to apply these lessons in my life and teach others. I would like to work among orphan children and would to lead them to Jesus the savior and redeemer and make them a good disciple of Jesus Christ.

1. Name – Khadka Bdr. Sunar
2. Church & district – Aradhana Church Satakhani, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: I was born in a Hindu family and living in a Hindu manner. I got married at the age of 17. There was financial crisis and lack in our family and struggle was there in our family. Life became worst when I got some mental disorder. I faced so many problems and in 1992 I could know the savior Jesus and received as my master and redeemer. As far I know, our family is the first Christian in our village. Now, there are many Christian and churches in our village. God has been using us for his glory and many new people are adding into his kingdom. Praise the Lord. Today we are happy and peace is in our society, church and family. Thank God.
4. Learnt lessons: What I learnt here is discipleship and its importance. Importance of fellowship and prayer. The major world religion was also very much useful subject and could learn many things out of this subject. Bible study method, homiletics, cults and worship etc.
5. Future plan: My aim and vision after this training is taking gospel to unreached people and groups and helping church in house fellowship. I am glad that God brought me here in HBTC to learn his words.

1. Name – Dilip Gurung
2. Church & district – Grace vision Church, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: I am 20 years old and was born in a Hindu family. My dad used to drink alcohol and suffered us very much. There was no peace and joy in our home. While I was at the age of 3, one sort of unknown disease found in me and caused lot of problems in me. Though my sister and brother-in-law were Christians, I never heard them. Whenever they shared good news to me I normally got angry with them and did not work out. My life was like this and last year Elder Jagat Basyal shared good news to me and I happily accepted the Lord Jesus and my unknown disease disappeared and I am healed now. Now I do not feel loneliness at all. Please pray that my dad also know the Lord as his master and redeemer. Today I am happy and joy is in my heart.
4. Learnt lessons: I could learn many things- some are as following- Discipleship and works that are to be done as a disciple, how to offer a meaningful prayer to God, to lead service, homiletics, pastor's responsibilities, cults and many other spiritual things.
5. Future plan: I would like to serve the Lord in Church being a faithful servant of him. My aim and vision is to work among children and lead them to God's way. Thank you so much.

1. Name – Rishi Tamang
2. Church & district –Kanchanpur
3. Short Testimony: I was born and brought up in a Buddhist family. Besides my family members, I used to attend Church occasionally. Reason behind this was majority of my friends were Christians. I gradually increased the level of church going spirit and my mum strongly opposed me because my mum and dad were against with Christianity and stopped me going church. At this time my dad was in Saudi Arab as a worker. I stopped going Church due to my mom's continuous opposition. After some months my dad came from Saudi Arab and again left for Kathmandu for some special work. My dad lived with my uncle and aunt in Kathmandu and they shared the good news and surprisingly my dad accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. Again he returned home and talked to us saying 'we have to go church'. It was unbelievable. Again I opposed them not to go Church but now they were forcing me to take Church. Lastly we all went Church and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as our savior and redeemer. Now we all Christians and joy and happiness is in our home. Thank God.
4. Learnt lessons: What I have learnt thus far is- I learnt how to pray meaningfully, to lead Church service, how to preach from the pulpit and outside the pulpit, relational thing also, discipleship, value of discipleship, church leader's on..
5. Future plan: I would like to help my pastor as there is a great need of trained leaders in our church, I would like to fully help my pastor in his ministry and further the God's ministry in the far-west Nepal.

1. Name –Suraj Luhar
2. Church & district –Khrist Mahima Church, Kanchanpur
3. Short Testimony: I was born in Hindu family. I was indeed very bad man from my childhood. I had a stomach problem since six years of my age and pain used to repeat once on every month. One day my pastor visited me at my home and shared the good news to me. After hearing this good news a sort of happiness came in me. Then I received Jesus as my savior and redeemer in 2007. My stomach pain gone and by his grace till today I am fine and nothing has happened to me. Thank God for his grace and mercy upon me.
4. Learnt lessons: I have also learnt so many things from this training- prayer, leading the Church service in a meaningful way, homiletics, pastor's responsibilities, cults and religions etc.
5. Future plan: I would like to be a God's servant in my Church and teach others what I have learnt here in HBTC.

1. Name – Prabina Shahi
2. Church & district –Itram Church, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: I was born and brought up in an orthodox Hindu family. I could receive my living God through my mum and for that I am grateful to mum. Not only me, through my mum all my family members have been saved. After receiving Jesus as my savior and redeemer I have been blessed and my life has been changed. Now I am a active member and teaching in Sunday school. Today in our family there is God's joy and peace. Thank God.
4. Learnt lessons: I am really benefited from this training- I could know about God in deeper sense, his living words, Church sacraments, cults, homiletics, discipleship and worship etc.
5. Future plan: First of all I will apply these in my life and teach others too to practice this. I will help our pastors and leaders in their ministries. Would like to take good news to unreached places and groups. Thank you so much.

1. Name – Manu Chaudhary
2. Church & district –Bethel Church, Surkhet
3. Short Testimony: I was born in Hindu family. Now I am 21 years old. I had some friends and greatly inspired by their lives. Later I came to know that they were Christians. They used to call me at church if there were any Christian programs. I occasionally used to attend these programs. Slowly I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ and accepted him as my savior in 2008. I feel that my life has been changed and now I am a new creation. I am the only one Christian from my family. So please pray for my other family members that they may receive the Lord and be saved. Thank you
4. Learnt lessons: In God's grace I could learn many things here in Himalayan Bible Training center. Counseling, religions, discipleship, cults, OT, NT backgrounds, homiletics etc.
5. Future plan: I am grateful to God for this opportunity to learn His words here in HBTC. I would like to teach these truths to my friends and believers and would like to take good news to the unreached places where souls are dying with Christ.

1. Name – Arati Pariyar
2. Church & district – Emmnuel Church, Bardiay
3. Short Testimony: I was also born and brought up in a Hindu family. Because of my brother our entire family could know Jesus as our savior and redeemer. Brother was sick and left no stone unturned for his treatment but result was always disappointing. Finally this might be God's plan that my uncle was Christian and through him we heard the gospel and believed in Jesus. We started going Church and my brother got healed and now there is peace and joy in our family. We praise and thank God for this. Thank God.
4. Learnt lessons: I could learn so many things that I am even not able to explain all here. First of all, I would like to thank God for bringing me here in HBTC to learn His living words. First of all I could learn about the Bible, discipleship, its importance, cults, counseling, religions, basic Christian doctrines, sin, salvation, women's role in God's ministry, OT and NT backgrounds etc.
5. Future plan: I would like to teach all what I have learnt here to my Church members and would like to share good news to unreached people in our society. Thank you so much