Friday, October 2, 2009

James teaches in Kathmandu

Honorable Dr Rod and family
Loving greetings from Surkhet.
Thanks a lot for your encouraging mail that I received from you. I returned today from Kathmandu from attending a leadership seminar and teaching my subject 'Basic Christian Doctrines' in Kathmandu HBTC. Rest of the things are fine here. We the HBTC Surkhet family once again would like to thank you all the concerned loving friends for helping and praying for our training center here in Surkhet. May God bless you all.
Lastly do pray for my ministry and family. Thank you so much.

new board for Himalayan Bible Study Academy Kathmandu

I am glad to share with you that we had a very productive and constructive 3rd General Assembly today with 33 members. We also formed a new executive board of HBSA, as the tenure of the previous board ended today. We thank God for the collective efforts and constructive cooperation of the out going board and glad to welcome the new inclusive board for the faster and better acceleration of HBSA in the days to come. This board will be active for the next two years. The board comprises of seven members and a Legal Advisor as follows,

President : Dil Bahadur Tamang
Vice President : Pastor Rajendra Malla, Lalitpur Baptist Church, Lalitpur
Secretary : Pastor Annorodh Lama, New Life Church, Kathmandu
Treasurer : Mrs. Somaya Gurung,(MBS), Finance Officer,Organizational Development Network Nepal

Members : Pastor Michael Rayamajhi Chhetry, NCCC
Pastor Dinesh Sunuwar, Himalayan Church, Jorpati, Kathmandu
Mrs. Nirmala Sunuwar (M.Div), Shalom AOG Church, (Wife of the Senior pastor)

Legal Advisor : Advocate Kedar Bahadur Khadka, Notary Public Officer

We will appreciate your prayers for needed discernment to the board members so that they would contribute in a constructive way for the betterment of HBSA.

Thanking you for your friendship and partnership in the Gospel,

Dil, HBSA.

a plague and a thanksgiving

Dear Dr. Rod and John,
Greetings from Nepal.

It has been some days since I wrote to you. I believe this email finds you in sound health and we are fine too. We thank for your untiring efforts to help us out.

Recently, a plague of diarrhoea claimed more than 400 lives in the upper midwest Nepal mainly in Jajarkot and neighboring districts and many more have been affected badly. Also many people lost lives and displaced in the landslides and flood triggered by incessant rain and will appreciate your prayers for them.

I have also attached the group picture of the 6th batch of Surkhet training centre that I received today and believe it will mean you much how people are eager to learn from the Word of the Lord.

Please let us know how we could pray for you too. Thanking you, Dil

Sixth Batch September 2009

Sixth Batch September 2009

Humble prayer request

Honorable Dr. Rod and family
Loving greetings from Surkhet.
Thanks once again for praying me for Singapore trip. It was great and indeed learned so many things and updated spiritually. Though I didn't have money God managed every thing miraculously.I thank God for this. Thank you so much for praying me.
Regarding 6th batch, now we have 17 students from different districts. Hope they will learn so many things and serve the lord. Thank you. James Bhai, Surkhet