Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fifth graduation news

Cordial greetings from Mid-West Nepal.
First of all, we the Himalayan Bible Training Center Surkhet family would like to thank our caring and loving God from the bottom of our hearts for all His faithful provisions and guidance so far. We are grateful to you all same minded loving and caring people for your prayer, concern and financial support for this training center. We praise our God for all these heavenly blessings.
When we see and experience in our day-today lives how God works we amaze and wonder by seeing his blessings…… God be the glory! On 10th June 2009, we graduated our 5th batch and 12 students from various districts completed this course successfully. The graduation program was held at Itram Church and there were 80-100 invitees from different churches. We had invited Pastor Solomon Gurung from Nissi Church(Earlier Bethel Church) as our chief guest but due to some unavoidable reason he was unable to come. So our Chief guest was Rev. Dil Bahadur Tamang the director of this training center and he himself delivered the word of God at the program.
Lastly we covet your prayers and encouragement for the glory and extension of His kingdom here in Nepal.

Our praise points-
 We praise God for His loving care, guidance and all heavenly provisions that we have been receiving from Him.
 We praise God for his faithfulness, blessings and dedicated students from various districts.
 We praise God for local HBTC Surkhet board and its commitment and advice for the betterment of this training center.
 We praise God for local church and organization's favor, love and concern towards our training center.
 We praise God for giving us like minded people like you all for the upliftment and the extension of His kingdom here in Nepal.
 We praise God for the successful completion of our 5th batch.

Our prayer requests-
 Please do pray for HBTC Surkhet's staff, all the visiting teachers and board so that whatever they do and teach may glorify his name alone.
 Please do pray for our alumnus, their needs and ministry.
 Please do pray for HBTC Surkhet's financial needs. As we do not have sufficient and long term support for this training.
 Please do pray for an audio video deck for audio video classes. Some of our teachers bring their teaching materials in CDs, if we could have that device, it would be far better for that purpose.
 Still we do not have a digital camera for this training center. If we could have digital camera, it would be easier to make reports and photographs. Please do pray for this also.
 Please do pray for our 6th batch and it will be starting from July 17th 2009.
 Please do pray for an aqua guard machine for purified drinking water. Due to unsafe drinking water many students get water related sickness in every batch.(Our humble request to you is- for Lord's sake if you could share these prayer requests to your friends, we would be indebted to you). Thanks

Yours truly
James Tamang
Himalayan Bible Training Center (Surkhet)
Mid-Western part of Nepal.