Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Alumni news

Tanka BK and James Tamang-
Elder Tanka BK is a first batch student of this training center. After his graduation he returned back to his own native church and started serving the Lord. This seen photograph is his Church building and in his initiative this church building was constructed by the contribution of his own local church members. Me, Dil was there for leadership training and his church is growing. Without farming he does not have any income source. Our prayer and request to you is if you find any interested friend to bless such hard working pastors in remote hilly areas, we would appreciate your endeavor very much.

Mr. Keshav Thapa-
Our 1st batch student Mr. Thapa has been a great blessing for Bethel Church(Khajura). Right after the graduation he served the Lord as a counselor. Now he is actively working in the way of life organization (He is the founder)mainly for those drug addicts and alcoholic people. He is always thankful to HBTC for changing his way of life and thought.

Deacon Man Bahadur Thapa-
Our first batch student Mr. Yam Thapa has been a Deacon of Itram Church. He is actively serving the Lord at Itram Church. He is grateful to God as well as to HBTC.

Pastor Lal Bahadur BK.
Our 1st batch student pastor Lal Bahadur BK is actively serving the Lord as a pastor at Immanuel Church Bardiya. Please do pray for his ministry.

Pastor Gorakh Budha.
Our 1st batch student pastor Gorakh Budha is serving the Lord in Salyan District. His Church is also growing and please do pray for his ministry.
Mr. Chandra BK.

Our 1st batch student Mr. Chandra BK is actively serving the Lord in Aradhana Church Surkhet. Please do pray for his ministry.

Pastor Nawal Singh BK.
I firmly believe that his joyful smile(photograph is removed to make smaller size) is from above………. Pastor Nawal singh is actively serving the Lord in Surkhet. Please do pray for his ministry.

2nd Batch
Mrs. Bhadra Malla
She is 2nd batch students and now actively serving the Lord in Itram Church. She leads house fellowship. We praise God for her life.

Mrs. Basanti Khuna.
She is from Kanchanpur district. In one sense she is the pastor of a Church. She is actively serving the Lord.

Mr. Yam Pariyar.
Mr. Yam is actively serving the Lord as a assistant leaders in his church. He is thankful and grateful to HBTC for conducting leadership training. We praise God for his ministry and life.

Mrs. Dhansari BK
She is our 2nd batch student from Bethel Khajura (Surkhet) Church. She has been a blessing for Bethel Church. She leads house fellowship and involving all the Church activities.

Mr. Dhanakrishna Rawal.
He is from Mugu Gamgadi AG Church. Few months after the graduation from Himalayan Bible Training Center Surkhet, his wife passed away. He now serves the Lord in Mugu. Mugi district is one of the remotest district of Nepal where literacy rate is very low. Praise God for his life and ministry.

Mr. Santa Bahadur Boudel.
He is from Dailekh district. After the graduation he has planted a church and now he is the pastor of that church. We praise God for his life and ministry.

Mr. Sher Bahadur Rasaili.
He is actively serving the Lord in Khristia Church Gumi. He is in full time ministry.

Mr. Karna Bahadur Boudel.
He is also in Church ministry. He is looking after a small Church.

Mr. Bikram Khuna.He is from Kanchanpur. After the graduation he has planted a new church and now he is serving the Lord in that Church.

Mr. Jagdish BK.
Mr. Jagdish our alumni is from Bethel Church and after the completion of this five months, he is now actively serving the Lord as a youth leader and house fellowship leader at Bethel Church. He is in choir team also. We praise God for his life and ministry.

Mr. Mahendra Malla.
His wife Bhadra and he graduated together from HBTC Surkhet. He was ex-Nepal army and learned in such a way that they were the model for 2nd batch. Mr. Malla is serving the Lord as a part time minister at Itram Church.

3rd Batch
Mr. Khavilal Phauja.
He was from Itram Church and now he is actively serving the lord as a local pastor of Itram's daughter Church.

Mr. Pratiman Darlami.
He was from Itram Church and now he is the key leader of Itram's daughter church.

Mr.Karna Bahadur BK.
He was from Rukum Musikot Church and now he is ministering the Lord in Rukum as a full time Church leader.

Mr. Deviram Sunar.
He was from the daughter Church of Itram Church. He is serving the Lord in his own village Church. Lord has been using him for his glory.

Mr.Shasiram BK.
was from Bardiya District and now he is actively serving the Lord in his own local Church.

Mr.Mohabir BK.
He was from Khristia Church Gumi and now is a pastor of Itram's daughter Church. We praise God for his life and ministry.

Mr. Bal Bahadur Tamang.
He was from Kanchanpur District and he now serves the Lord at his own local Church.

Mr.Nok Bahadur Pariyar.
He was from Bardiya district and he now serves the Lord at his own local Church.

Fourth Batch
They are husband and wife(Mina and Raju). They are the responsible couple for Itram's newly established daughter Church. God bless them.

Mr. Buddhasingh BK.
He is from Gumi Church and he is a leader of Gumi Church's newly started branch Church. We thank God for his life and commitment.

Mr.Chhetra Salami.
This young brother was from Grace Vision Church and after his graduation he is the leader of Grace vision Church's daughter Church at Pagma Surkhet.

Mr.Puniram Chunara. He was from Gumi Church and the Lord has called him to start a new fellowship under Gumi Church. So now he is the leader of that newly established Church.

Mr.Paul Giri.
He was from Banke district. He also actively serves the Lord now in his own local Church.

Mr.Khagendra KC.
He was from Grace Vision Church. He is helping the church through his talents and gifts.

Mr.Ghan Bahadur Saru.
He was from Itram Church and now serves the Lord as a local Church leader of Itram's daughter Church.

Mr.Kamlesh BK.
This brother was from Banke district and now serving the Lord in his own local Church.

Ms.Shanti Gahatraj.
She was from Dailekh district and now she is serving the Lord in her own local Church.

Like this we are happy and grateful to God that our labor in the Lord is not in vain ( Icor.15:58). Your prayer, concern and financial support also is not in vain. We would like to inform you happily that most of our alumnus have been involved in God's ministry. Local Church pastors and leaders are happy with our graduates because when they go back they work co-operatively under the local leadership.
 Prayer request from alumnus-
01. Please do pray for their family, ministry and needs in ministry.
02. Please do pray for their health, children's education.
03. Please do pray that some of our alumnus have great desire to serve the Lord full time but due to financial barrier they are unable to come out. So our request to you is if anybody is willing to help such genuine people, share this prayer request to them for heaven's sake.

Fifth batch progress

Honorable prayer partners, families and friends,
Loving greetings from Mid-west Nepal.
By the grace of God and through your fervent prayer and encouragement, we have been doing God's ministry here in Mid-West Nepal by teaching our pastors and leaders from various districts. We as a Himalayan Bible Training Center family once again would like to thank you all for that you have been doing for the betterment of this ministry. May our gracious God bless you abundantly.

In 5th batch 12 students are graduating and graduation date is fixed on 10th June 2009. All of them are enthusiastic to serve the Lord after this course. They all have shared different experiences during the five months course. Most importantly, they have life changing experiences. To God be the glory! Please do pray for the 6th batch. After one month it will start again.

Due to an extreme storm last week, damage was sustained to the dining hall site. We praise God that nothing happened more than that. For a week there was no electricity………

On May 15th we had Dr. Mangalman Maharjan in our midst. He is a senior pastor of Koinonia Church Lalitpur Patan. He delivered a short but encouraging message to our students. We were indeed blessed by his visit. Along with him, his wife was also there.

Praise points:
 We praise God for His loving care, guidance and all heavenly provisions.
 We praise God for his faithfulness, blessings and dedicated students from various districts.
 We praise God for the local HBTC Surkhet board and its commitment and advice for the betterment of this training center.
 We praise God for the local church and organization's favor, love and concern toward our training center.
 We praise God for giving us like minded people like you all for the upliftment and for the extension of His kingdom here in Nepal.

Prayer requests-
 Please do pray for HBTC Surkhet's staff, all the visiting teachers and board so that whatever they do and teach may glorify his name.
 Please do pray for our alumni; their needs and ministry.
 Please do pray for HBTC Surkhet's financial needs. As we do not have sufficient and long term support for this training.
 Please do pray for an audio video player for audio video classes. Some of our teachers bring their teaching materials in CD format, if we could have that device, it would be far better for that purpose.
 Still we do not have a digital camera for this training center. If we could have digital camera, it would be easier to make reports and photographs. Please do pray for this also.
 Please do pray for an aquaguard machine for purified drinking water.
( Our humble request to you is for Lord's sake if you could share these prayer requests to your friends, we would be indebted to you).

Lastly may God bless you all and looking forward to your encouraging response. Thank you.

Yours truly.
James Tamang
Himalayan Bible Training Center (Surkhet)
Mid-Western part of Nepal.