Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Fourth batch graduation

Respected Dr. Rod and family
Greetings in His mighty name.
By the grace of God we all including our 20 participants are having a good time so far. Thank you once again for your fervent prayer and love towards our family as well as training center.
Thank you so much for your time to time encouraging mails and suggestions. we are indeed grateful to God for having a prayer partners like you. We always appreciate your concern to our nation and ministry.
Sir, our fourth batch is also going to graduate soon in near future i.e. roughly planned on 13th December.
Our students have been blessed and challenged through this training and planning to serve the Lord after graduation. Let's pray for them and their future ministry challenges. Lastly convey our regards to all. Thank you so much.

Yours truly
James Tamang
Principal, HBTC, Surkhet

Farwest Youth Conference for 178 participants

We 12 people were away to Dipayal, Doti district to conduct a Youth Conference during the festival of Tihar, the second largest festival of the Hindus. It took us three full days just to get there and 178 Christian youth participated in the conference and all of them committed their lives to the Lord and praise the Lord for His faithuflness. I will write more about this and thank you for your friendship and partnership in the Gospel in Nepal. Dil

Fourth batch of students, August - December 2008

Fourth batch of students, August - December 2008

(1) Mr. Puniram Chunara.
I am Puniram Chunara from Surkhet District. I was born and brought up in a Hindu
family. So we used to worship Hindu god and goddesses for our salvation and peace.
But there was no peace at all in our family. Before accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior and redeemer my life was entirely worthless. There was worry,
suffering and uncertainty in my life as well as in my family. An incident took place in our family i.e. was my son fell sick. We did not leave any stone unturned for his treatment but nothing happened. Lastly we took him to the Church. Christian people offered prayer to God for my son and ultimately my son improved his health. I praise God for that incident now. Then I received Him as my savior and redeemer. Now our entire family is Christian. We have peace and eternal life. Praise the Lord. He has brought me here at HBTC to learn from His words. I am learning so many things here and after my graduation I will be serving Him in our own locality as a local leader. Thank you so much.
(2) Mrs Yashoda Shahi.
I am Yashoda Shahi from Surkhet District. I was born and brought up in a Hindu family. I was a Hindu worshipper. My past life was horrible. I had severe sickness for four years. My health was completely down and my life was full of depression and anxiety. I used to go to witch doctors for my treatment. One day I was coming back from witch doctor's place and there I met a believer and asked me where I was from? I am from witch doctor's place – I replied. He asked me some questions and wanted to know more of me. Then I told him of my sickness and how I had been struggling with my life. This Christian man shared about Christ and at that time what I thought was if I believed Him, I will be healed. That was my hope and at that moment I could not believe Him but later after 4/5 months I received Jesus Christ as my personal savior and redeemer. Then my physical sickness and spiritual sickness gone somewhere. I praise God for this. Now I am happy that all my family members are Christians. There is peace and joy in our home. Moreover, the Lord has given me this opportunity to learn His words at HBTC. Hope and pray that during these five months I would be able to learn more things from His words. After this course I would love to serve the Lord. Thank you so much.

(3) Miss Sunita Dulal
I am Sunita Dulal from far west region Kanchanpur. I was born and brought up in a
Hindu family where we used to bow before hand made god and goddesses thinking and
believing that we will get peace and salvation from them. Indeed I was in darkness and did not worship the true God. I was sinning and living a worthless life.
Before accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior and redeemer, my life
was worthless and full of depression, dissatisfaction and failure. But after receiving the Lord, I could feel that now I have everything. Praise the Lord. I am happy that the Lord has brought me here at HBTC to learn more of His words. After my graduation I would love to serve Him. Thank you.

(4) Mr. Parsuram Pun.
I am Parsuram Pun from Surkhet District. I was also born and brought up in a Hindu
family. I used to worship Hindu god and goddesses for our peace and salvation. I was
searching for peace and salvation but I could not get that. My life was not full, there was no success and satisfaction in my life. So I was searching for peace, salvation of my soul, satisfaction. One day I heard a gospel and later I received this. After receiving him, now I have peace, joy and eternal security of my soul. Thank God for this. God has brought me here at HBTC to learn something from His words. I am happy that He has brought me here. After this course I will be serving the Lord in my own locality. Thank you so much.

(5&6) Raju & Mina (Couple)
I am Raju Rokaya from Surkhet District. I was born and brought up in a Hindu family and practiced all the Hindu rituals. Once I fell sick and did everything for my treatment but nothing happened. I spent all I had. One day I was heading towards my in-laws place. They were all Christians and they shared good news to me and urged to come Church. I kept attending the church and slowly I came to know the truth that the Lord is indeed a healer. After that I received Him as my personal savior and redeemer. Because of His grace I received healing from Him. From that day onward, the Lord has been blessing me and been my shepherd and master.
Now, I am happy and blessed. There is peace and joy in my life. The Lord has again
given me this opportunity to learn His words here at HBTC with my wife Mina. I praise God for this opportunity. And my future plan is to serve the Lord in my own locality being under my local Church's leadership. Thank you so much.

I am Mina Rokaya from Surkhet District. I was also born and brought up in a Hindu
family and practiced all the Hindu rituals as a Hindu. There used to be always fighting and quarrel in our home. There was no peace at all. Later my brother fell sick back at my parent's home. That incident was turning point for me to receive Jesus Christ as my personal redeemer. Frankly speaking, my entire family believed in Jesus just because of my brother's sickness. They believed for my brother. Surprisingly, my brother got healed from his sickness and I also came to know that ultimately He is the one who cares us and heals us. Then after few weeks I also received the Lord as my savior and redeemer.
Now, we all are active Christians. My husband Raju and me both are now at HBTC for
training. Praise the Lord! Now we have peace and joy at home as well as in our
individual life. After this course our local Church has great plan for us and hope we will do something for the glory of our father God. Thank you so much.

(7) Mr. Paul Giri.
I am Paul Giri from Banke District. I was also born and brought up in a Hindu family. Because of our elder brother's sickness we could receive the Lord as our personal savior and redeemer. A believer of our locality shared the gospel to me and I accepted the Lord. My brother got healed and we also believed in Jesus Christ. We have countless blessings from above. Before we did not have anything but now we have
goats, cattle and land. He has made us giver not taker. Praise the Lord. We have peace, joy and happiness and cooperation in our family. Lastly, my single life's aim is to preach the gospel, making disciple and planting His churches. May God help me to fulfill this vision. And I am happy that the Lord has brought me here at HBTC to learn His words. Thanks

(8) Miss Surja Saarki
I am Surja Saarki from Kailali District. I was also born and brought up in a Hindu family and practiced all Hindu rituals. My mummy has so sick because of Satan's attack. We did not leave any stone unturned for her treatment. Hospitals to witch doctors but nothing happened. Someone suggested us to go to Church and be prayed and later we went to Church and believers offered prayer to God for our mother's recovery. Really my mother got healed and we also believed in Him.
Now things are better. We have peace, joy and happiness in our home. The Lord is all in all for us. He has brought me here at HBTC and after my graduation I have strong desire to serve the Lord by giving gospels to others who are dying in my surrounding. Thank you so much.

(9) Mr. Raj Darlami.
I am Raj Darlami from Kailali District. I was also born and brought up in a Hindu family. While practicing Hinduism my parents were badly persecuted by evil spirits. We were tortured mentally as well as physically. We were seeking for a true God that we could release from the persecution of evil power. Lastly we went to Church and because of prayer that evil spirit gone somewhere. Then we all believed in Jesus Christ. Now we have joy and happiness in our family. I really thank God for bringing me here at HBTC to equip myself in His words. After this course I would like to serve Him by sharing good news to others. Please do pray for me. Thank you so much.

(10) Mr. Dil Bahadur Salami.
I am Dil Bahadur Salami from Surkhet District. I was born and brought up in a Hindu
family. Life was full of sorrow, failure and dissatisfaction. Various superstitions within the Hinduism really had spoiled my life. As a result nothing could do in my life. At the same time there was no peace at my home. My life was fully covered by darkness. I was passing my days like this and once I happened to come to Surkhet Bazar and met Pastor Goman Basyal fortunately. I heard the first hand gospel from Pastor Goman and tried my level best to live a new life. But circumstances again did not allow me to live a God pleasing life. But now I have decided to live a God pleasing life. Now I am at HBTC and many a times I wonder how God brought me here from such wicked place. I praise God for this! In my village there are less Christians and churches and after this training I will try my level best to give them the good news and establish Churches. Please do pray for me. Thank you so much.

(11) Mr. Bhim Bahadur BK
I am Bhim Bahadur BK from Surkhet District. I was born and brought up in a Hindu
family. There was indeed no peace and joy in our family. I went to India to earn some money for my family. I was happy in India and made my mind not to come to India. My parents were here in Nepal and there love drew towards my homeland Nepal. When I came back to my place I found that my parents were already been converted into Christianity. Later I also accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior and redeemer. I used to drink and smoke but after accepting Jesus, now I am free from all these addictions. Praise God for this. Now I have happiness and joy in me as well as in my family. The Lord has brought me here to learn from his words and after the completion of this course I will go back to my own place and being under the local church's leadership I will serve the Lord. Thank you so much.

(12). Mr. Rudra Bahadur Pandey.
I am Rudra Bahadur Pandey from Surkhet District. I was also born and brought up in a
Hindu family. I used to practice all the Hindu rituals. Since my childhood I was not a healthy child. I had many diseases… due to all these now I can't walk properly. Indeed I am a lame person. For my treatment my parents used all possible means but nothing happened. I am sorry to say that my parents do not want me to be a Christian. They hate me and mock at me. I had a desire to know something about Christian people and Christ. So I kept going to Church. Later I understood what Christians are and who Christ Jesus is. Later I received Jesus Christ as my personal savior and redeemer. Now I am happy and joy is in my heart. I am studying His words here at HBTC. I really thank God for this opportunity. After this course I will try to bring my parents first into the saving grace of Jesus Christ and others too. Thank you so much.

(13). Mr. Buddha Singh BK.
I am Buddha Singh BK from Surkhet District. I was also born and brought up in a Hindu family. Indeed there was no peace and joy in our family. I was married at the age of 12 and at the age of 16 three members of our family passed away including my loving mum. That was a great tragic. Again my wife got sick. I did not leave even a single stone unturned for her treatment. I spent all I had but nothing happened to my wife. I suffered a lot. All of a sudden a brother called Arjun Thapa Shared me of gospel of Jesus Christ and I believed Him as my personal savior and redeemer.
After accepting the Lord as our savior, all our sickness is gone. We could realize that He is the only healer and God. I turned back toward God from all my worldly habits. Now no alcohol, smoking but God's love and care is in our home. Praise God for this. Again He has brought me at HBTC to learn from His words. I am equipping myself here in God's for my future ministry. Thank you so much.

(14). Mr. Kamlesh BK.
I am Kamlesh BK from Bardiya District. I was born and brought up in a Hindu family. I was totally indulging in a world by drinking and smoking. I did not indeed know what life is and who true God is! Life was passing like this. Our grand- parents used to worship mainly to evil spirits but my dad did not believe that much in those things as our grand-parents did. Actually I also did not know but there was a evil spirit's problem in our family. I personally did not like the Hindu way of worshipping. Later I went to Church and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior and master. Days gone by and my parents also believed in Jesus Christ. Now we have peace and joy in our family. Thank God for this. God has brought me here to equip myself in His words. After this course I will be serving the Lord in my own locality. Thank you so much.

(15) Mr. Sanjiv Shah
I am Sanjiv Shah from Banke District. I was born and brought up in a Hindu family. I was indeed a bad man. Always putting others in problem and fighting with others. I used to enjoy by doing all these stupid business. One day a problem entered into my life that I had never even imagined. I was preparing for my grade 10's half yearly exam but I felt sick. I could hardly write my papers. My mom took me to hospital and doctors said I had typhoid. After taking some medicines I came to my home. As I was sitting in my room, all of a sudden I became like a sub-conscious. Result was that I took all the medicines that I supposed to have for a week. After this my life became more miserable. I had worry, anxiety, failure and dissatisfaction. I found my life good for nothing. In such a situation one of my friends shared me of good news and accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior and healer. We started going to Church on every Saturday and felt better in Christ. Now we have joy, happiness and peace in our home. To God be the glory! Now I am at HBTC for training and pray that God would use me in His ministry after the completion of this training. Thank you so much.

(16) Miss Shanti Kumari Gahatraj
I am Shanti Kumari Gahatraj from Dailekh District and was born and brought up in a
Hindu family. I used to bow before the hand made image Durga believing that it was my god. I was completely under the darkness of this world. My life was worthless and full of anxiety and worry had surrounded my life. In fact I was searching for truth and living God. Later that God found in Christianity. I started going Church and got peace, joy and happiness in my life. Now I am studying God's words at HBTC and I am greatly thankful to God for this opportunity. After this course I would love to share good news to many people who are not yet saved in Jesus Christ. Thank you so much.

(17) Miss Chandraa Kumari Timilsena.
I am Chandraa Kumari Timilsena from Surkhet District. I was born and brought up in a
Hindu family. Physically I am weak or frankly I am a lame girl. Due to my physical
condition, my parents, society and even my friends used to hate me. I have been a
laughing stuck for many and sometimes for me too. My life was burden for all in one
sense. To get recovery, my parents spent a lot of money also but no improvement. I
used to cry day and night. In such a pathetic situation I heard that Jesus could give us peace and salvation for worthless girl like me. Later I heard good news and my parents took me to Church. I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior and redeemer. Then I could realize that my pains were slightly reduced. I got peace and joy deep into my heart now. I praise God for this. Though I am a lame girl physically, I have a desire in Christ to learn His words and serve Him after the completion of this five months course. Thank you so much.

(18) Mr. Ghan Bahadur Saru.
I am Ghan Bahadur Saru from Surkhet District. I was born and brought up in a Hindu
family. We used to worship Hindu god and goddesses everyday. Personally I was not a
good man. I used to drink, smoke and problematic. That's why even my parents and
society had negative impact on me.
At the same time my son got sick and we took him to various places for treatment. We
visited witch doctors too but nothing happened. Later I personally believed in Jesus
Christ and my son also got healed. Praise God for this! Now I could realize that I am to change and to become a good guy. Now, all my parents are Christians and there is peace, joy and happiness in our home. Again he has brought me here to learn His
words. After my graduation I will be looking after a small congregation as a local leader. Thank you so much and please do pray for me and for my family.

(19) Mr. Khagendra KC
I am Khagendra KC from Surkhet District. I was also born and brought up in a Hindu
family. I used to drink and smoke because there wasn't any supervision from anywhere
for me. I was living as liked. Due to these habits, there was always fighting in family. Even my neighbor did not behave us properly. My financial status was going down and my health was also in a worse condition. Later I received Jesus Christ as my savior and redeemer. Now it has been a great blessings to be a Christian. My children are happy and we have blessings from above. My life has been changed completely. After this course my prayers is to sharing good news to others and want to be a good leader in future. Thank you so much.

(20) Mr. Chhetra Bahadur Salami.
I am Chhetra Bahadur Salami from Surkhet District. I was also born and brought up in a Hindu family. We also practiced all the Hindu rituals. Majority of my relatives have not yet received the Lord but I wonder how He chose me. Praise God for this! Though my relatives don't believe in Jesus, I have taken this step to become a good disciple of Him. After receiving Him as my personal savior and redeemer, I have felt that now I have peace, joy and happiness in my life. After this course I will be serving the Lord in my own vast neglected area where very few Christians live. Please do pray for me. Thank you so much.