Sunday, November 18, 2007


The church in Nepal today is full of small village groups of believers desperate for teachers, preachers and pastors, to make disciples and provide the foundations for sustainable faith। Until fairly recently, training for such leaders was only available from a few organisations based in Kathmandu। When Itram Christiya Church in Surkhet, with help from local INF members, built a new enlarged premises 10 years ago, we did so with a vision for using the facilities for regional meetings and conferences। Some years later, I was contacted by an old friend Dil Bahadur Tamang, principal of one of these Kathmandu colleges, who had a vision for establishing a centre in the west, where candidates from the western regions could access training near to home। Two visions met: introducing Dil to Itram, the Himalayan Bible Training Academy was born.

God has blessed the initiative by pulling together the often fractious churches in the valley to form a joint committee to oversee the school, and provide experienced staff to facilitate the training। Recently, a Pune University theology graduate James Tamang, whose wife is from Surkhet, was commissioned as Principal of the new institute। Batches of 15-20 leaders are given an intensive 5 month training in theology and practical ministry। The first batch graduated in July in a joyous ceremony, and the second intake is well through their studies.

Give thanks for:
q God’s giving this vision to Nepalis for this Nepali institution
q Encouragement for the local churches who have all participated in this initiative
q James Chinnery and other INF members who have offered their input
Pray on for:
q Attracting the right calibre of trainee to the programme (both intakes already include women and members of different church groups)
q James the new principal and his team to settle and work well together
q More financial support to make the college self sufficient (more information from

थिर्द बत्च २००८

Subject Distribution of HBTC Surkhet
Lessons to Begin
01. Spiritual Warfare (18 Hours) : Pradeep Jha, HBTC In-charge, East Nepal
02. Importance of Worship (18 Hours) : Jomesh Tamang, HBTC Staff,
Youth/Worship Leader, Vineyard Church,
03. Christian Discipleship (30 Hours) : Pastor Ram Bahadur B.K.,
AOG Church, Gumi, Surkhet
04. Listening to the Lord’s Voice & Fear of God. : Mr. Tapan Karthak, Base Leader,
(30 Hours) YWAM, Surkhet
05. Evangelism and Church Planting (30 Hours) :Pastor Solomon Gurung
Bethel AOG Church, Surkhet
Academic Lessons
06. Walk Through the Bible (24 Hours) : Walk Though the Bible Nepal Ministry
07. Old Testament Survey (30 Hours) : Book written by Dil Tamang and class taken by Olak Sunuwar, Co-ordinator of HBTC Surkhet
08. New Testament Survey (30 Hours) : Book Written by Dil Tamang, class taken by Pastor Yam Tamang, Principal HBTC, Kathmandu
09. Major World Religions (30 Hours) : Saroj Magarati, HBTC Staff, Kathmandu
10. False Teachings (30 Hours) : Saroj Magarati, HBTC Staff, Kathmandu.
11. Basic Christian Doctrines (30 hours) : James Tamang, Principal, HBTC, Surkhet
12. Study of Christ (Christology) (30 Hours) : Pastor Navin Darlami, Itram Christian Church
13. How to Study the Bible (30 Hours) : Mrs. Deaconess Somati Gurung, Itram Churc
14. Effective Sermon Preparation & Delivery (30 hours) : Book written by Dil Tamang and class
taken by Olak Sunuwar, Co-ordinator HBTC, Surkhet
15. Christian Church history (30 Hours) : Book written by Dil Tamang, class taken by
Mrs. Prabha Tamang, Staff, HBTC Surkhet
16. Women Participation in the Ministry(30 Hours): Book written by Dil Tamang, class taken by
Mrs. Prabha Tamang, Staff, HBTC Surkhet
Leadership Subjects
17. Biblical Picture of the Church(30 Hours) : Olak Sunuwar, Co-ordinator HBTC Surkhet
18. Christian Counseling (30 Hours) : Elder Gyan Gurung, Itram Church, Surkhet
19. Christian Holistic Approach (30 Hours) : Pastor Padam Nepali, Bethel AOG Church, Surkhet
20. Legal Awareness (30 Hours) : Advocate Kedar Khadga
21. Health Awareness (30 Hours) : Mrs. Dilu Thapa, Staff Nurse, Itram, Surkhet
22. Accounting in the Church (30 Hours) : Dil Tamang
23. Pastoral Responsibilities and Sacraments(30 Hours) : Pastor Guman Singh, Mukti Church, Surkhet
24. Contemporary Issues and the Leaders (12 Hours) : Book Written by Dil Tamang and class taken
by Jomesh Tamang, HBTC Kathmandu Staff,
25. Communication Bridges to Oral Cultures ( 18 hours)
26. Evangelical Exposure (Starting with Two Question) (30 Hours)
27. Biblical Leadership (30 Hours) : Dil Tamang

Note: Each Participant has to complete the reading of the Entire Bible at least ONCE during the training period.

सुर्खेत कॉलेज लैटर ओक्ट 2006

Dear Friend,

You may remember I wrote to you earlier in the year regarding a proposal for a new church leaders training college in Nepal. It would be the first such course available outside Kathmandu, enabling greater access to quality theological education for pastors of the many new fellowships in the remoter regions of Nepal. I wanted to once more bring you up to date with progress on making this vision a reality.

First of all, a big thank you to everyone who responded to my original appeal. It’s not something I do well or often, but the positive encouragement has been really appreciated. A small group of supporters was formed, whom I’ve been able to inform as events unfold. Several requested an established UK charity to handle donations, and I am delighted that ex-INF director John Bradley has agreed to do this through his Corinthian Trust.

Meanwhile the principal of the Himalayan Bible Institute who is spearheading this initiative, Dil Bahadur Tamang, has visited Surkhet on a number of occasions while holding conferences in the Mid West and Far West. He has won backing from all the local churches, and the YWAM discipleship training which has been going for a number of years there. He is putting together a steering committee representing all the church denominations in the region, and this unifying effect locally seems to have been a welcome spin-off from this initiative.

We plan to start the first 5 month intake in February, God willing. Faculty, including local church leaders with academic qualifications, is in place. A candidate for long term principal has been identified, a gifted teacher with a Surkhet wife currently completing an MTh in Pune, India. Accommodation and training facilities are being provided by the churches.

Regarding finance, we have raised the initial capital costs for setting up the college, thanks to your generosity. Now, we are looking for sponsors for individual students to help them cover their expenses during the course. Of the planned 20 students per 5 month intake, we have enough promised for 5. The cost is £40 per month per student, or £200 for a completed leadership training. In return, we want to establish a direct correspondence between supporter and the sponsored student, to enable us to understand and better pray for the growing church in Nepal.

I believe there must be others God is prompting to take part in this faith exercise, which is why I’m writing to you again. If the regular amount quoted is too much, a partial contribution is of course welcome. If I’ve forgotten some important information, please reply and ask. If you can’t give at this stage, but would still like to be informed of developments, again let me know.

Thanks for reading. Please pray for Dil and his team as they work hard to make this happen. Please also pray for the churches in Surkhet as they learn to work together, some for the first time, for a vision that has been there for a number of years. And thank the Lord, ‘for every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything’ (Heb 3:4).

Yours in Him, Rod.