Sunday, September 9, 2007

सुर्खेत appeal

Dear friend,

I am writing to you as an erstwhile supporter of our work in Nepal to inform you of a new opportunity to see the kingdom of God come in that desperately needy country. We have all been aware of the recent political crisis in that country, with the people struggling for the hope of democracy to set them free. We are thankful to God that the king has backed down and peace is breaking out. But not only is there a long way to go before the political future is secure, in the face of the Maoist insurgency. Also, the hunger of the people for a better future will not be satisfied by politics alone, but only when they find their hope in God himself through Jesus.

My longstanding friend Dil Bahadur Tamang, head of the Kathmandu-based Himalayan Bible Training Centre, has sent me a proposal for a new leadership training centre in Surkhet. Dil has 15 years of experience leading training courses for Nepali churches all over the country. He has recognized the need for a base outside the capital from which leaders in the Midwest and Far west of Nepal, the poorest and neediest regions that INF have targeted for some time, can access the bible training they badly need. He has shared that vision with local churches and secured support from across the denominations. He uses local church resources and costs to participants and donors are kept to a minimum. His budget for this amounts to £740 per month (for 20 fulltime students for 5 month course) plus £1900 start up expenses. They are ready to have their first intake underway in August.

I have not been involved hitherto in any direct project support since my return from Nepal in 2001, but I recognize this as a vision we shared with the local church in Surkhet for many years. I have agreed to try to help find a network of support to try to make this a reality, as I believe now is the right time for such a step of faith. I’m looking for 18 individuals giving a one off gift of £100 to get it started, 10 others able to support a staff member for £50 a month, and another 20 able to sponsor a student for £15 a month. I would appreciate it if you could give it some thought and prayer, and indicate to me whether you are being prompted to join this effort. I can’t think of a more effective way of being partners in the mission to the unreached in Nepal.

Thanks for reading and getting back to me so I can let them know. Yours, Rod.